5 Senses continued

I went back to work after lunch and I’m happy to report the room kind of just came together after that.

The characters came easily and I was able to finish the room by the end of the week; a couple of hours here and there. Joan couldn’t have been nicer or more accommodating during the process which made things a lot easier. Here are some of the finished pictures:

Progress pictures here.


5 senses

Recently I was commishioned by the parents of the 2007 graduating class of Five Senses Pre-School to paint the bathroom of their beloved school as a present for Joan, everyone’s favorite pre-school teacher/owner/boo-boo kisser. I was told it was a small bathroom, half tiled and that they’d like an ocean scene painted in it. “Great!”, I thought, “I bet I could get that done in a weekend!”

That was not the first time I’ve completely underestimated a job.

Here’s the first day & a half:

Blank walls…I’m back at the Alamo:

This time though I somehow remained calm (after a small freak out)
and decided to start on the ceiling (and to wear my jammies apparently):

…12 hours later all the water was done and my arm was numb:
The next day, smelling of IcyHot, I went back bright and early to finish the background
layers and sand. I’m at the halfway point!:

At this point, possibly stemming from the fact that the icy/hotness of the morning only proved to aggrivate my shoulder pain, I was starting to convince myself that the room was done. It was after all an ocean scene already…maybe they wouldn’t notice there aren’t any animals…pre-schoolers don’t even like cartoons. Clearly the talk of a girl who needs a sandwich and some motrin.