A Ballpark for Baby Girl X

I got my second Fenway request a couple weeks ago. This time though, it’s for a little girl’s nursery. Awwww. I LOVE it when people can, pardon the expression, think out of the box! Not that I have anything against pastel pinks and fluffy bunnies, I’m actually quite partial to both, but there’s something truly unique about painting the Green Monster on a baby girl’s wall. Something that makes me want to burn my bra and get my commercial driver’s license! Or at least it makes me proud to be a girl…I think I’ll keep my bra.
This Fenway, like it’s predecessor, is chock full of personalized bits and pieces that make it a true original.
Here are some of the bits:
Charlie Brown in the bleachers;
The family name slapped right on the Monster;
Snoopy, Bob Dylan, a wolf & Kermit on the Jumbotron (which has been left blank until Baby Girl Rubin arrives, until then, her true identity will remain a mystery).

And here are some of the pieces:

Love replaces Gulf on a well known ad;
Some fans show their love for their favorite player…awww;
and this being New England after all how could we not include Dunky’s, I mean really.
I had such a wonderful time painting this mural! The Rubin’s were as nice as could be and made me feel more like a celebrity than hired help. Such a great couple to work with; they are going to make wonderful parents to Baby Girl Rubin! I just hope she likes baseball.
Here’s Robyn & I messing around on day 2. See the rest of the pictures here.

Mark & Steph’s Ark (feat. Noah)

Finally!  Finally someone asked me to paint them an ark.  I tell you, it is about d*mn time!  All I do is sit and draw smiley faced animals all day long (and work Rochelle, I swear!) and wait for someone to see them all and say, “you know what would be a good project for you…”  And finally someone did!!  Grandma-to-be Sheila hired me to paint this ark in her son & daughter-in-law’s nursery in New Hampshire for Baby Sam who’s due later this winter.   I started with the sketch:
And after a quick peak at that Gramma decided we’d add an elephant, some ducks, a couple of dolphins and some lobsters for good luck!  Here it is before the giraffes poked their heads through:  
And after seen here with Steph (and technically Baby Sam):
Here are some close-ups of my favorite characters: