Website Under Construction

I’ve commissioned a friend of mine, Geoff Buck, to make my website. He’s a very talented designer and illustrator who also happens to be quite handy with html, lucky for me! You can check him out here.

So far it’s just an “under construction” page but you can get the idea here:
Can’t wait to see the finished product!!

And Matilda was her name-o!

She’s here! She’s here!! Baby Girl Rubin has come in to the world and her name is:
No, it’s not John Hancock…..it’s Matilda Zoey Rubin.

I love it! She was born bright and early as babies tend to be; both Mom and baby are doing well. I was supplied a key to get in and paint her name while the family rests and gets ready for the big homecoming. No-one was happier about that than Beckett, the family dog. (Yes, Beckett, like the pitcher, these are some serious fans!)

Here are some more shots of the Jumbotron & Matilda’s custom jersey:

Congratulations guys!! Can’t wait to meet the little lady!!