Yesssss, Spring!!!

Oh my goodness!!  It’s here!!  It’s really here!!  I woke up early this morning to the sound of birds chirping!!  Finally!!  And there are little buds popping up all over from our frozen ground!  If you’re new to New England or if you’re reading this from the Front Range and have never experienced a N.E. spring, you’re in for a treat.  Spring in New England is gorgeous and quite possibly the reason so many of us brave these bone chilling New England winters year after freezing year.   

In celebration of Spring I’ve painted this little fella on the window in the ER…hope you like him!! 

I think he deserves a name.  Something macho (because clearly he is) like Max or Rocco perhaps.  I can’t decide.  Let me know what you think in the comments below.  (Click on *comments* and then from the drop down menu select *name/URL* to add a comment without signing in.)  Thanks!!

My first commercial mural

So, this is pretty exciting: I was hired by a local record store to paint their new logo on the wall of their flagship store in Boston. The company is called UndergroundHipHop.com (or UGHH.com) and their brick-and-mortor location is on the corner of Mass. Ave. & Huntington Ave.

Go check ’em out, they have a warehouse full of stuff you need- records, cd’s, a huge clothing selection, awesome toys from company’s like kidrobot, Fifty 24SF & Bigshot Toyworks, graffitti supplies, and a slew of other stuff you didn’t know you needed.

But I digress…

Here are some progress shots as well as a picture of their new sticker/logo:

If you can’t get over there to check it out in person you can check out the rest of the pictures here. The guys are all really nice. Be sure to tell ’em Mandee sent you!


Face Painting at Mia’s 1st Birthday!

Last weekend I had the priviledge of painting all of these adorable faces at Little Miss Mia’s first birthday party! There were about 40 kids there and they all waited so patiently to have their faces painted I was truly impressed! Nice job guys! Here are some of the pictures:

You can check out the rest of them here.

If you are interesting in having me come paint faces at your child’s birthday please feel free to contact me!