Little Reminders

This is my niece and inspiration for everything I do, Tabitha. 

She and my beautiful sister, Melissa came to visit me last week from Colorado; naturally we had to finger paint while she was out here.  Seeing her get so excited to paint without even so much as an idea of what she was going to paint was really kind of mind blowing. 

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the whats, whys and hows that I forget why I started to paint in the first place, because I enjoy it.  She was a welcome reminder to not take things so seriously and that sometimes you just need to throw some paint around, get messy and see what happens!


Bad Good Dog

A commissioned painting done for a little guy who loves tractors and his dog, a great dane/weimaraner mix, whom he affectionately refers to as ‘Good Dog’.

Here’s a picture of Good Dog next to his likeness as a cartoon character.  I’m told when Good Dog is bad his name changes to “Bad Good Dog”….soooo adorable!!
If you’d like a painting done of your own good dog contact me at mandeemartin@gmail.com. 

She’s Crafty

Phewwwwww!!! What a whirl wind!! Liz and I participated in our first craft fair last Saturday and have officially earned our Arts & Crafts merit badges!!

Here are some close-ups of my table that I stayed up until the very wee hours of the morning putting together…complete with white picket fence compliments of Sir Jeremy!

We had such a wonderful time at the craft fair and met a lot of wonderful people and can’t wait to do it again!!
