August: the window

This month’s window paiting was inspired by the lazy days of summer. I imagine somewhere in the distance kids are swinging from a rope at dusk about to jump into a slow moving river.

I was inspired so much by those lazy days that I even had David & Vu clean up the mess from last month’s window. Nice job boys!


Julie’s Beach

Julie’s beach mural:

It’s about 10′ long and 8’high…basically life sized.  
Here I am painting it to give you an idea. 
What I love most about this is that Julie is still renting.  So even though this mural is only going to live for a year, she’s going to enjoy it now instead of waiting until she buys a house or has a baby or whatever else.  
(I also love imagining her landlord’s face when he finds out about it!) 

Old to New: Blaithin’s Clogs

I realized the only way to get anything accomplished is by including the kittens in my projects.   Seen above is Stephen the Girl modeling a pair of clogs I just refinished for my friend Blaithin (pronounced Bla-heen).  Kittens are so good at sitting still and having their pictures taken.    
Here they are before:

And now, after:

If you’d like a customized pair of clogs also email me at mandeemartin@gmail.com.  They were squeal inducing for the ladies at work, hopefully they have the same effect on you.   Have a great weekend!!



1. the act of distracting.
2. the state of being distracted.
3. mental distress or derangement: That child will drive me to distraction.
4. that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration: The distractions of the city interfere with my studies.
5. kittens; see picture:

I’m finding it increasingly difficult to do anything that doesn’t involve staring at the kittens,planning miniature outfits for the kittens or taking pictures of the kittens.  This could be a problem.