Clog Blog: Part II

My co-worker came to me with a special request; she had a pair of clogs that she adored but that were too uncomfortable to work in all day and another pair that were super comfy but had seen better days. She wondered if I could combine the two. But of course!


And after:

Left: inspiration shoe
Right: new shoe

I hope you and your new/old clogs are very happy together Michelle! 😉


I learned a new word: triptych

Triptych: A painting or carving that has three side-by-side parts, panels, or canvases.

And here I was just calling them “three side by side canvases”…who knew there was a word for that? Probably everybody but it’s news to me so I thought I’d share. Here is my first triptych since learning the word, a planes, trains & automobiles theme for Little Vincent’s nursery in Medford.

Hmmm, I don’t know how to fix this. Let’s just pretend I did it on purpose to be edgy!

Art-From-Nature Merit Badge

This past Labor Day weekend we went camping in the White Mountains with some friends. I spent most of my time hunting for miniature pine cones, bits of twigs, ferns, little rocks and leaves with my new bestie, Izzy, which we turned into an adorable frame for her Grandma.

We had so much fun and her Grandma loved her new frame!  What are we going to make next year Izzy?

Art-From-Nature Merit Badge: Check!