oh look, I drew a book!

Months ago I was presented with the task of illustrating a book a co-worker wrote for her son for his birthday. It’s a true story about her son, DJ, and his best buddy, Bear. Naturally I said yes.

The author, Meghan, has since told me that DJ loves his book and brings it to show-and-tell every chance he gets. Awww, warm fuzzies. Here are some shots of the book. Or, if you’d prefer, I could read it to you.

It’s not published yet but if you’re a publisher or know one please contact me. You look great today.

I wanna be where the people are

I received a special request from an Etsy customer today- a mermaid for her daughter’s room. After an initial period of doubt I painted her and now I want to quit my job and paint mermaid’s all day.

I’m sure that somewhere in the world they’ll pay me to do that, right?
Also- I’ve had ‘Under the Sea‘ stuck in my head since the moment she asked for the painting. Make it stop!!

Horn Of Plenty

November’s window is a cornucopia. Legend has it that the first cornucopia was a goat horn given magical powers by Zeus and that the keeper of the horn was granted whatever they wished. My cornuopia also has magical powers…well, power. From the back side of the painting (seen below) you can see that the apple was left unpainted.

Thus making it an enchanted apple serving as a porthole to the great lobby beyond!

So maybe it’s not as good as a wish granting horn-of-plenty but it’s the best I could do.

Happy Thanksgiving!