The Swan: Clog Edition

It’s time for another episode of, The Swan…for clogs. In this Episode we meet Red and Ivory. Always ashamed of her complexion and scuffs, Red decided to go under the paintbrush. Here she is before:

And after:
She’s had multiple procedures including removal of original finish, color change, embellishments and finally a clear coat to make her shine!
Next we meet Ivory. Ivory was one a beautiful young shoe, the bell of the hospital ball! But, after years of hard work and multiple trips out in the harsh New England weather, this once-lovely clog is feeling worse for the wear. Here is her before picture:
And now after, with her updated color, custom graphics and shiny new finish!

She looks beautiful!!

Surfing Pirate Monkeys in ‘Rado

These dudes are my pride and joy!
Surfing in Outer Space Han Solo monkey and Surfing in Outer Space Pirate Monkey.
It just really doesn’t get any better than that. Unless of course one of them was eating a sandwich…but then I wouldn’t have been able to part with them.
These 2’x3′ ridiculously custom pieces are for Dean, an awesome little boy in ‘Rado (read: coloRado) who had created quite a conundrum for his Mum. When this sweet little bundle of joy came into the world Dean’s Mom decided to do his room in a surf theme, honoring her Southern Californian roots. Now, however, Dean is 3 and a 1/2 and making his own decisions. When first approached to paint him something for his room I was told his favorite things in life are Star Wars, monkeys and pirates. And also that Dean’s Mom would like to keep with the surf theme already present in his room. Hmmmm…

Done and done!

Mario World 1-1 Interactive Painting

Sometimes in life, an idea just comes to you that makes you crack up and say, “man, someone should really do that.” That’s what this did to me. It’s an interactive painting of Mario Bros. World 1-1 played with magnets. It was more of a joke when I had the idea but then I thought, “wait, I should DO that!”

So i did.

And here it is:

The background of the canvas is painted with magnetic paint and the characters (in all their pixelated glory!) are painted on 1″x1″ magnets (purchased on Etsy). They can be moved wherever your little heart desires. Just don’t put them on the TV cause my friend Libby did that once when we were little and she got grounded for like, a week!

For sale here.


Thomas the Tank Engine mural

This headboard mural was painted for the mayor of cute-town in Delta, CO, Corey Bill, below.

Corey Bill and his Gramma love trains and their favorite, of course, is this guy here:

Here is Corey showing me the picture he wants on his wall. He is the cuuuutest ever!! Even when barking orders at me to let me know where the eyes go and where the #1 goes and where the wheels should be and to make more rocks and where the smile goes…so helpful.
More pictures here.


So Awesome (times a hundred!)

This is pretty much exactly what I had in mind when I painted the blank conversation bubbles and put them up on Etsy. I was really hoping someone with an awesome sense of humor would ask me to paint something totally ridiculous on the bubbles with little or no explanation and that is precisely what happened! These were painted for a woman named Jeanne in Pennsylvania and the only explanation I got was that she and her husband (of 10 years) say this to each other all the time:Hilarious!! And, after 10 years of marriage, it shows they must be doing something right!!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Copyright Schmopyright

Here is February’s window in the EU. They almost look like these little cartoon mice that were around when I was little but I’m pretty sure they were just a flash-in-the-pan cartoon. I don’t think they really ever made it very big. Thank god for that.
I wish I could remember their names…oh well, I’ll just call them Milky and Millie.