Rylie’s Room Sign

Rylie is an animal loving 4 year old in Boston. 
She love love LOVES cats and kittens but unfortunately, both of her parents are allergic to them.  I painted her these hypoallergenic cats that she can name whatever she wants, dress up as princesses and she can even let them sleep on her bed without so much as a sneeze from her Mom & Dad.  
Granted they’re not quite as snuggly as the real thing but they almost never scratch up the furniture and, to date, I’ve never had to clean their litter box.

Sign painted on recycled wood from a workshop floor.  6″x24″, sealed with
 matte acrylic finisher to protect from sticky fingers and chap stick kisses.

Chocolate Wasted!

I haven’t even seen the movie this painting references and readily admit that I probably won’t however, that doesn’t make me immune to the cultural phenomenon it’s responsible for.  This 33 second clip  has it’s own facebook fan page, website and was added to urbandictionary.com faster than anything I’ve ever seen.

In short, it’s kind of a big deal
So, to celebrate, I made it into a quote bubble…it was inevitable.

See other bubbles or request your own here.

Avatar Mural for Amir

Jeanette, my hilariously fast-talking co-worker, has been telling me we’re going to paint her son’s room for about 3 years now.  There was never a theme, just the warning that someday, he’s going to need a mural.  Well, in true fast-talking, fast-moving, let’s-get-it-done-yesterday Jeanette fashion, she told me the idea on Tuesday and then quickly followed up with, “so, can we do this on Thursday?” 
No problem, except that “this” happens to be an Avatar mural and it’s going to be quite a challenge because as a rule, I wouldn’t be able to draw a person if my very life depended on it.  But, which is so often the case, I answered, “of course, let’s do it!”  I’m glad I did too because I think it came out awesome…

Oh, did I mention this is a surprise for 5-year-old Amir?!  He’s going to FREAK!!!