Happy Birthday Mario!!

It’s the 25th Anniversary of the Mario Brothers video game!  Wow!  I remember playing my cousin Mikey’s Nintendo for the first time when I was about 5…crazy!!  

To celebrate, I gathered up all of my Mario themed items from the past.  Enjoy!
Magnetic Mario: Playable magnetized canvas painted like a scene from Mario Bros including a mushroom, flower, Mario and a Goomba.  Available here

 Magnet Detail:

Mario mural: Mario Bros mural painted on the FRONT DOOR of a customer’s apartment!  That’s dedication!!  More pictures here.


Mario Christmas Ornaments: A couple of Mario Bros themed Christmas Ornaments.  Custom ornaments available starting in November!  Order yours now!!

Happy Birthday Mario & Luigi!!  But your princess is in another castle!

Foxy Cleopatra Mermaid!!

Jen in Connecticut asked me to paint the coolest mermaid to date:

“A mermaid version of Beyonce’s character in Austin Powers”
Holy Crap!
 She also got a little red headed friend hugging a star fish:
 Detail of Foxy’s chubby tummy & tail:
Have a great idea for a mermaid?  Let me know!

Peach at the Beach!

Another custom painting for a very energetic, easy-excitable, super creative customer, which happens to be my favorite kind!

This young lady wanted a peach sunbathing on a beach…under an umbrella…in New England…with a banner that said so…and a sand dollar that says ‘Jean’ in one corner…and a star fish  that says ‘Garvstar’ in the other.  I like a woman who knows what she wants…and here it is!

  Painted around the edges for frame-less hanging:

One of my long standing favorite things has always been sexy fruit (what? that’s totally normal) so I was super excited to have been asked to make this painting and am now way too excited to get started on other sexy fruit!  Like Sexy Kiwi, Sexy Strawberries, Sexy Watermelons!!  I can’t wait!