Crazy Love

Adorable little pink, heart-eared Mama & baby elephants for Little Tayla Toomey in Massachusetts!

Tayla Bear is Danielle & Sean’s brand new bundle of joy.  When I asked Danielle what the significance of “crazy love” is she told me that it’s the love she feels for her daughter.  She said she can’t even explain it, “it’s just like this crazy love…there’s no other word for it.”  How absolutely beautiful. 

Congratulations again guys!!  She’s gorgeous!

Hannah & Justin’s Wedding Signs

I painted some signs for a friend’s Harvest Fest wedding last weekend;  
 then Fonzie laid on them cause they were so cozy. 
Here are some of them in action:
 (that’s the ‘Welcome’ sign up top there, hard to see it in the sun)
And a couple group shots:

 And last but not least, my ladies helping me paint.  Thanks girls, couldn’t have done it without you!!!