FINALLY!! It’s Christmas time!!!!!

 Here’s the Christmas window I painted yesterday. 

A very happy little buck with his little blue friend:

And this fuzzy little guy squirreling nuts away for winter.
 I know we have 2 days of November left but I just can’t risk loosing even one precious day of
 Christmas time.  It my absolute very favorite time of year!!!  
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got logs to yule and cider to mull!
Merry (early) Christmas!!!!

Black Friday!

I was included in this fabulous Black Friday treasury on Etsy.com.  Enjoy!

Black Friday: Fabulous Purple Gifts $20 dollars and under


Crazy Cat Lady

I don’t know how it happened but somewhere along the way I went from a very strict dogs-only, no cats allowed!, dog-person to a total cat/dog-person hybrid!! 
It was my fiance’s super awesome tabby cat, Remus, (seen above) that did it to me.  I was totally afraid of cats and thought they were weird and tempermental when I met Remus and then his silly little head butts and loving leg rubs totally won me over!  He even helped me overcome my allergy to cats! 
Now, I not only love cats and chase my own around taking their picture all the time but I have taken up painting them too!  Cats can be just as expressive as dogs and are pretty hilarious, believe it or not.  
Above is Charlie who looooves his housemate Jasper so so much. 
Jasper does not, however, share Charlie’s enthusiasm.

More cat paintings for sale in my Etsy shop
Or contact me to have your own kitty (or dog!) painted!! 
Makes a wonderful Christmas present!

Daddy’s Girl

Oh dear, how could we have been so blind?
Last month I was commissioned to make an adorable Mother/Daughter painting for little
Tayla’s nursery in Melrose.  The painting was a hit and Tayla’s Mom loved it! 
The only problem was that there was a very important piece of the picture missing from
her new room- there was no daddy painting!  Oh no!!  Well, that is all fixed now and I hope that
Tayla’s Daddy, Sean, can forgive us for ever-so-temorarily leaving him out!! 
Sorry Sean! From what I hear you are an awesome
husband and an even better Father.
Congrats on your little girl!!

I’m huge in Japan.

Ok, so maybe I’m not huge per se but I do have at least three fans in the Land of the Rising Sun.  Kourtney Ray, wife of a U.S. Navyman stationed in Japan, contacted me to paint these guys for her son, Joey.  Now I can start billing myself as an International artist, right?  Obviously.

Darth Tater and his lacky, Spud Trooper.  Adorable.  

Not, however as adorable as the story attached to them.

Kourtney’s husband/Joey’s Dad (above) was called away to serve in Iraq early last year.  Obviously this upset little 10 year old Joey a great deal.  He was so worried about his Daddy, in fact, that he decided to send his prized possessions, his Mr. Potato Head Star Wars figures over to Iraq with his Dad to keep him safe.  
Nothing is cuter than that.  Oh, except this: 
That’s a drawing a very proud Joey did of his Hero.  So cute!  I completely understand where Joey’s coming from.   When I was his age my hero, then an active duty Marine, was called away from us to serve in Operation Desert Storm for nearly a year.   It’s a really scary time for everyone when you have a loved one fighting overseas.  I have a great deal of respect for the servicemen and women who risk their lives selflessly for our country and their families supporting them from home.  It’s an incredible sacrifice to make for strangers and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. 
Happy Veteran’s Day!!  I love you Daddy!!