The Ornament Factory

I have been a veritable ornament factory this year!  I started receiving orders for them in mid-November and started painting them at the same time.  I’m happy to report that as of midnight last night I finished my final ornament of the season and it was picked up this morning!   
Here are a few of them:
Now all there’s left to do is put out cookies and wait for Santa!!
Merry Christmas!!!

Bella the Bully

These paintings are both of Little Miss Bella the English Bulldog and were painted for Linda’s kids as Christmas presents:

 Normally I wouldn’t post about something that someone ordered for Christmas but I found out today that after I gave the paintings to Linda, who commissioned these paintings, she was too excited to wait for Christmas and already delivered the goods!!   Ha ha!

Personally I feel there’s no bigger compliment than spoiling Christmas morning cause you just couldn’t wait! 🙂  Awww shucks.

Here’s Buddy:

He’s pretty excited about it too, as you can see.

Merry Christmas!!!


Kind of a Big Deal

 Oh man! 
 Liz and I got asked to paint the windows in the Shapiro
 Building (big deal) on the Souper Salad windows (huge deal) in the
  main lobby where thousands of people pass through daily!!
 Here are some close-ups:

I’m off to buy a “Snow Shredder” now and wait for snow!!!

If you’d like a closer look this window mural should be up through January 2011 here.  More pictures here.  Enjoy!


Princess Jazmin and her Court

Jenna asked me to paint a picture of her cats. 
Big Mama, left, doesn’t care for the other 2 cats in her house: 
Princess Jazmin, middle, and Baby Raja, right.
 (Big Mama seen here showing her indifference to their existence.)
Jazzy (left) is not the hugest fan of cuddles but puts up with 
dear, sweet, little Raja (right) the way most older siblings do.
Hope you love it Jenna!
Here are the real kitties:
You can order your own by emailing me
Merry Christmas!!