I’m a Cucumber.

Today marks the official 90-day countdown to my wedding.  Or, as Amy refers to it, a quarter-of-a-year until my wedding day.  It makes it seem less daunting.

No matter how you slice it though, it’s big.  It’s huge and exciting and terrifying and radical and coming right for me and officially, today, it’s real.  Before it was kind of just this party that Jer and I were putting together slowly and really taking our time but now, it’s business time.  Now there are seating charts and port-a-pottys and hotel reservations and music selections and QUESTIONS to answer…so many questions!!  And I have a feeling it’s going to get a lot worse in the coming months.  That’s why, for Jeremy’s safety, I’ve already switched to Decaf.  It was the right thing to do.

But, I’m not going to let the pressure get to me.  I’m going to stay cool, calm and collected.  I am, in Hilary’s words, a cucumber.  I am going to enjoy the planning, embrace the decision making and snuggle right up to the constant tick-tocking in my head because this is supposed to be fun.
And come hell or high water I am going to make this fun, dag nabit!!
Pray for me.

Cat Cake!

I’m not a crazy cat lady.
I’m not a crazy cat lady.
I’m not a crazy cat lady.
That being said, here is the tabby faced birthday cake I made
 for my cat-crazed Father-in-Law for his birthday last week.
I used betty crocker’s Silver White Cake recipe…it is muy muy so delicious!
The icing is a basic white- Martha Stewart has a great recipe here.
I made the ears out of some cardstock and warned folks not to eat them.
I did need a little help with the whisker candles-
Thank goodness Pete was there to help me out!

Cabin Fever

This weekend is the 2nd Annual Cabin Fever Indie Gift Show.
If you live in Boston and need a really good excuse to even consider leaving the
 house and going out into the frozen tundra that is our city right now, this is it!

Stop by to find that last minute Valentine’s gift you’ve been putting off and putting off and putting off.  They have some really talented vendors this year…including some friends of mine:  
AntiDesigns who are an awesome local t-shirt company and my good
 friend Amy, the CEO and head artist/designer for ABCowls.  
 Stop by and check out her new Spring line up!   

Amy’s cowls have saved my life this winter!  
Not to mention they look really cute on Tabitha.

My First Solo Show!!

 If you’re sensitive to the overuse of exclamation points, you’re going to want to stop reading this cause I’m wicked excited and I just can’t hide it! As I previously mentioned my “other” Etsy store, The Compliment Shop, was invited to hang our goods at the Red Table Cafe & Gallery in Old Town Fort Collins last month.
I shipped off the last of ’em about a week ago and I was just sent pictures of them in their new home!!
I’m basically freaking out.
In other news, I’ve decided I’m counting this as my first solo art show.
Even though there are other artist’s wares all over Red Table and even though it’s really more of a craft show than an art show and even though there is no free wine or cheese…it’s my party and I’ll call it what I want to.

Now go to the Red Table, buy a Compliment & order something that has Corn Relish on it cause it’s SOOOOO good!!!!!!!