flower show

The Boston Flower Show was last weekend and if you’re not familiar with it, it’s kind of a big deal.   They have all sorts of florists and gardeners and landscape architects from all over the place and it’s rather impressive. 
The show took place at the Seaport World Trade Center in South Boston and it was a massive show of amazing flowers and incredible displays.  I spent most of the day wandering around and saying, “I just can’t believe they did all of this…I just can’t believe this is inside.”  Over and over.  I’m sure it wasn’t annoying at all. 
But LOOK!  This is inside!!  INSIDE!  I can’t believe they did that!  It was gorgeous.  Oh, and this too!!
A pond with a stone archway and giant boulder stepping stones?  No big deal. 

But hands down, my favorite part of the show was an amazing found object installation done by Fine Garden Art.  Every single thing in this display was found and put together, piece by piece by.  So creepy, awesome, radical.  I loved it!  
I felt so inspired that I went to work the next day and painted these huge daffodils on the window. 
Happy Spring!!


Hand Dyed St. Patrick’s Day Bunting

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I wasn’t able to paint the window in the EU this month because of a flare up of the existing tendonitis in my left paw (I’m not looking for sympathy (j/k I totally am)) and from the comments I’m getting from co-workers, passersby and patients who frequent the Emergency Unit, I’m guessing that is unacceptable.  It’s flattering that so many people want to see what I come up with every month to paint.  So sweet.

So, in an effort to appease my coworkers and to get them to leave me alone (Danielle!), I made them a hand dyed St. Patrick’s Day bunting and decided to also show you how I made it.  It’s SO simple!

Step 1: Gather supplies.  
You’ll need:
-a plain white 100% cotton sheet (not stolen from work cause I wouldn’t do that.)
-green Rit dye (or blue and yellow dye as the case may be)
-glue gun
-a bucket or a sink
Step 2:
Lay sheet out on a hard surface and make sure your cats approve of your fabric selection.

once approved…

Step 3:
Cut fabric into 6″ wide strips, down the length of the sheet.

Step 4: Dye Fabric-
Prepare dye according to package.  I made up a color using Royal Blue and Golden Yellow.  I’d say it was about 1T blue and 1t yellow if I had to guess.  
Submerge fabric in solution until covered, wait about 7-10 minutes.  

For the second color I just used more blue.  Experiment with it until it’s a color you like.  Just be sure to mix the color before adding your fabric or it will be speckled with flecks of dye.

Rinse fabric in sink and put it in the dryer.  Mine came out a little tie dyed but it doesn’t really matter because it’s just for decoration.  It actually adds to the “homemade”-ed-ness of it so just go with it.
Step 5:

Cut fabric into 10″ semi circles.  

This measurement is also approximate.  Do whatever feels right to you.
Step 6:
Go take the twine away from your cats. 
Step 7: Cut a length of twine a little longer than the surface you’re decorating.  For me it was about 10 feet.
Put a line of hot glue along the inside top of your sheet/fabric, lay twine along glue and fold down the top 1/4″ of fabric to secure twine/string in place.
Step 8: Hang the bunting and you’re done!  
This would also be a good place to crank up the guilt to elicit more sympathy.  If you’re into that sort of thing.

 Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!


Card Catalogin’

One day I said to my librarian Mother-in-Law,
“I’ve always wanted one of those old card catalogs libraries used to use.”  
To which she replied, “Really?  
We couldn’t pay peopleto take those things a couple of years ago.  
I bet we still have a couple in the basement of the library.”
And that’s how I got my very own card catalog.  HOLLER!!

Babushka Bowling!

I donated the painting of these little ladies for
a mutli-cultural fair thrown by an international 
adoption agency that my good friend (and part-
time photographer) Kristen works for. 
They started out as a set of white rubber foam
bowling pins from TheLandofNod.com and Kristen
had the idea to make them matryoshka (aka Russian
Stacking) dolls to represent their Russian clientele.  


Close ups:

Oh, I nearly forgot about the BALL!  You can tell by his expression 
that he is overjoyed to be in the presence of these fine lookin’ ladies!
Oh my!


Craft Related Injury

This is the current state of my South Paw (aka my craftin’ hand):
This is the hand that I draw, paint, hot glue, tape, erase, repaint, wash dishes, brush my teeth, text, eat and cut stuff with an exacto knife with.  And now it’s broken!
Ok, it’s not actually broken; it’s “just” tendonitis but it’s really really painful and the timing couldn’t be worse!  I’m trying to plan a wedding here!  I have things to glue, centerpeices to make, judgements to pass (I don’t know why I need my wrist for that but you can’t be too careful.), there are envelopes to stuff and bridal boot camps to pretend to go to!
On second thought, maybe this is for the best.  I’ll be on the couch watching How It’s Made if you need me.  I should be ok in a couple of days.

Fabric Bliss!!!

You’ve probably noticed that every other post of mine mentions a great little 
cafein Fort Collins or a trip to Colorado that I took.  That is because before 
moving to Boston I called Colorado home for almost a decade.  Most of my 
friends and family all still live there and I visit at least 4 times a year.  
(Really I suggest you do the same, it’s gorgeous!)  
But I digress…
This post centers around Denver; Santa Fe Drive specifically.  The 
Santa Fe Arts District is an nationally known art and culture district with 
over 60 galleries, restaurants and shops all just a couple blocks from 
downtown Denver.  
And coming soon they’ll have Fabric Bliss!!
photo (C) Aurora Sisneros, Fabric Bliss
Much more than just a fabric store some of the services offered by Fabric Bliss are:
  • hourly sewing machine rental (SUCH a good idea!!)
  • an awesome list of classes (intro to sewing…sign me up!)
  • local handmade art for sale (featuring yours truly)
  • photography services (for a small fee they’ll take your Etsy product pics for you!  amazing!)
  • and lastly, I hear there’s a kitchen full of snacks too.  Holler!!
They’ll be opening in Mid-March…mark it on your calendar and get down there and make something!

Before then, you can go “Like” them on Facebook and sign up for their mailing list for a COUPON for opening day!

Good Luck Aurora!  Can’t wait to come see it in person!!!