Lobsta Shack

Fonzie (pictured below) & I painted this piece of found wood for a customer with a thick Boston accent and a collection of washed ashore buoys to hang on his shed.  It’s been painted, distressed and left un-sealed to allow the sign to weather naturally in the hot New England Summer sun. 
How anyone gets anything done without Fonzie’s help is beyond me.  Here he is double checking my letter spacing.  What would I do without him?

Little Travelers

In case their name plates haven’t already given it away,

this is Rylie (5) and Nolan (3) of Watertown, MA.
This Saturday Rylie & Nolan, along with their parents (& name plates), are packing up the car and moving to Colorado; which is terribly sad as I love them all to pieces.  It is nice, however, to know they’re taking a little piece of me with them on their trip to hang in their new home in ‘Rado. 

Good luck you guys.  I love you so so so so so much!  I miss you already!!


A New Distraction

I made my first Treasury on Etsy yesterday.  I always wondered what all the fuss was about but It’s actually harder than it looks.  It’s not unlike arranging the perfect bookshelf.  You need just the right objects, in the right colors that coordinate but don’t match and just the right pop of color.  I won’t tell you how much time I wasted on this but let’s just say I could have watched about 3 episodes of Lost in the time it took.

I can see this is going to be a problem.  



Custom Name Letters

I believe the most important word in any person’s vocabulary is their own name.  That’s why these custom letters are always such a hit.  What kid wouldn’t want to see their name 8″ tall on their wall?

Jacen (above): painted to match a tranportation themed room in New Mexico. More pictures.

Haley & Hana (above): painted to match the bedding in these twin girl’s room in Denver.  More pictures here & here

For your own custom Name Letters email me and we’ll talk fonts.  Have a great Friday!!


Shark Bait, Hoo Ha Ha!

Some happy Tiki masks welcome in Summer on the new window in the EU.

You can almost smell the sweet fragrance of Hibiscus over the foul aroma of industrial strength cleaner and bed pans.
These masks definitely remind me of the initiation scene from Finding Nemo:
Shark Bait, Hoo ha ha!!
See the rest of my window paintings here.


New stuff in my Etsy shop!

Ok, the wedding’s over and I’m back from the honeymoon.  Time to get back to work…after I catch up on horribly addicting reality TV shows of course.  I mean, have you even seen Ice Loves Coco?  Amazing.

But I digress…

These little guys were just added to my Etsy shop.  Go check ’em out!

Let me know if you want something special painted.  I love custom orders!


Mini Foam Finger Tutorial

This is a mini foam finger I made during the NBA Playoffs for my friend’s cat. 
Like most cats in the Boston Metro area, she’s a huge C’s fan.
I started by grabbing a piece of scrap foam from a recent package we had delivered and drew the outline of a foam finger on it:

Then, using an Exacto knife, I carefully cut around the line I drew:
I cut a little slice in the bottom of it and made sure my finger fit in it.  I already love it!

I then used acrylic paint and painted the entire finger kelly green:
After the paint dried (about 2 hours) I used a white paint marker to draw in the details and you’re done!

Wanda is BESIDE HERSELF with excitement!!! 

We Want The Cup! ***UPDATE!***

As you are most likely aware by now the Boston Bruins
are one game away from winning the Stanley Cup. 
Which is why my coworker came in today with a “t-shirt emergency” and demanded asked me nicely to make her daughter a Bruins shirt for school tomorrow since tomorrow is, obviously, Bruins Day at her school.  Clearly an emergency I can understand.
So she handed me a t-shirt and some fabric markers:

I put a box in it to stiffen it up and then doodled a design on it:

Then I colored the design in with fabric markers and Viola!  We have a shirt!
Now not only does she have her own custom Bruins shirt but she also has the jealousy of her 3 older brothers…and isn’t that all that really matters?

Maggie in her shirt.

Final Score: Boston Bruins- 4, Vancouver Canucks- 0.