Phantom Pharm Stands

For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved the adorable signs found at Farm Stands and cute little side-of-the-road shops.  In fact, a lot of times I stop at farm stands just to check out their signs.

Recently I came across this big piece of plywood in the scrap pile at the Home Depot that was practically begging to have an ear of corn painted on it.  I promptly took it home (then left it in my to-do pile for about a month) and was only too happy to oblige.   
So now I have this big 4″ tall painting of an ear of corn with some Fresh Prince-esque writing on it and no farm stand to speak of…well, except this one that I painted on a window:

Know anybody with a farm stand who could use some sprucing up?  I’d love to paint them some giant pumpkins for the Fall or some big ol’ baskets of apples.  And I’m willing to trade.   
If you know anyone who might be interested have them email me.  Thanks!

A Hurricane of Productivity (sorry)

This weekend’s hurricane turned out to be nothing more than a Summertime Nor’Easter, in my neighborhood at least.  It knocked down a couple of branches and soaked it’s share of basements but all-in-all, I’d say she was pretty disappointing.  Our power didn’t even go out!  How’m I supposed to get to use my brand new Eucalyptus & Mint scented “emergency” candle without a power outage?  Unbelieveable.  The real hurricane this weekend was in my studio. 

I hate myself for even saying that. 

But I really did get a lot done!  I finished the Hawaiian themed name plate for Maggie (top), made a couple monkeys, one for Kate to give to her friend she affectionatly refers to as “Monk” and another one just cause the first one was so cute (above), and I painted this:

It’s a 12×14″ chunk of softwood painted with acrylic paint and finished with a couple layers of polyurathane.  There’s just a hint of raw wood left on the bottom, between the scales.  It’s a neat piece for a room that needs a pop of color or a little playfullness.  More color combos/designs avaiable soon.

I didn’t take a picture of the pile of the rest of the half finished projects I worked on this weekend though.  Maybe I’ll show you when you’re older.

Being a Good Hostess: Hurricane Edition

Where's The Beach driftwood painting
In preparation for our upcoming Category 3 (already downgraded to 2 and on her way to plain ol’ “Tropical Storm” status) visitor this weekend I thought I’d gather some tips on how to be a good hurricane hostess.  
When entertaining out-of-town visitors it’s always nice to label items and make directional signs to avoid confusion.   Above is a piece of drift wood I painted to show Irene how to get to the beach to help her find her way.  
It’s important when hosting natural disasters to have plenty of activities for your guests.  Below is a pail I’ve set out that Irene can throw through my window and some treasure she might also want to roll around in while she’s there.

Wish Upon a Star Fish custom painting beach ocean sand bucketCustom Starfish in Treasure painting for Garvstar
As anyone who’s ever been to a gathering knows, refreshments are key!  Here I’ve made our guest a margarita to enjoy while on her rampage, a girl does get thirsty!  And I’ve laid out guest towels and an umbrella to hurl across our great state.
Custom Listing Beach Scene with Moose
With any social gathering it is important to keep in mind who you’re inviting to ensure an easy going atmosphere and great conversation.  My guest list for this party will include the Crab Brothers, for their shared interested in rolling around in treasure,
Treasure Hungry Crab Painting
and some mermaids from down the shore who are reminding me of another tip: if you are an invited guest it is always a good idea to bring a gift to your host.  Sandra has decided to bring a giant clam, always a hit!, and Kendra brought a Starfish.  What’s nice about these gifts is that they’re local, unassuming and they fit the theme.  Great job ladies!
Multi Cultural mermaid with teal tail and seashellBlonde Mermaid with Pink Fin and Orange Starfish
Welcome Irene, may your trip be short and sweet and I really hope you don’t throw a pail through my window.  Happy Hurricane-ing, stay safe!


National JACKFRUIT Taco Day

During a quick trip to ‘Rado last weekend my husband and I finally got to try a restaurant my Fort Collins’ friends have been telling us about and were dying to try called Tasty Harmony– where they made me the delicious taco below-
It’s a Jack Fruit* taco and it kept making me go, “no seriously, honey, you have to try this.”  It was so good and I loved the Jackfruit, I honestly thought it was chicken when I first saw it. 
*Jackfruit (above)» A huge fruit that grows in Southeast Asia. The bulk of the fruit is starchy with a slight artichoke flavor and when cooked has a meaty texture.

National Taco Day is in FORTY EIGHT DAYS!  Better get started on that mini sombrero.


I Love Fabric Bliss!

 Long overdue thank you “card” painting made for Aurora,
head crafty lady and Owner of Fabric Bliss in Denver, CO.

 Not only is Aurora a super duper double crafty lady, business owner, cat lover and hockey playing bad ass, she is also the most thoughtful and talented girl in the Northern 48 States.

 When I approached Aurora with the idea of making bow ties for my wedding in May she not only shared my enthusiasm for the project but took it to a whole ‘nother level with multiple emails on color selection and fabric choices and she even sent me an entire Excel spread sheet dedicated to the topic.  Amazing!

And the results were spectacular:

The boys all loved their bow ties, even if they needed youtube to teach them how to tie them, and it added such a special, personal touch to our wedding day.

Thank you SO much Aurora!  Love you!!


It’s a Family Affair

In other National Taco Day related news, my Sister and her family had a taco extravaganza yesterday.

Starting with my brother-in-law placing 3rd in the hot sauce competition with his aptly named hot sauce:

And followed closely by Sister *almost* finishing second in the taco eating contest.  She said ghost peppers really are wicked hot.

And then on to the main event!  
For the kid’s taco eating contest Matador made special 4″ mini tacos!!  Oh man.  Here she is shovin’ it in and wearing her special ‘I love tacos’ shirt we ordered her from Apericots on Etsy.

She loves it!

She didn’t technically win but she told Sister she won “cause she finished her whole taco.”  So proud of her!

National Taco Day is in 59 days!! 



Cue the confetti…I made my hundredth sale on Etsy today!

**allow time for confetti to settle**

I am pleased as punch with myself…not unlike my 100th sale himself, below:
It’s fitting that it was my giraffe character to hit this mile 
marker with me as he was the first character I ever 
got paid to paint on a wall in 2008.

Since then, he’s shown up on other walls and even added a Missus:

Here’s a small run of giraffes I’ve painted and sold on Etsy in the last 3 years, it’s been a long, slow road and I’ve learned so much.  Hopefully it shows. 

Starting in 2008…

And ending in 2011!
RESERVED Repurposed wood block Smiling Giraffe painting
Thank you to everybody who’s ever helped me, critiqued me, taught me or bought from me. 
You like me…you really like me!