Elf on the Shelf: Gender Reassignment Surgery

For as long as he can remember, Jingle Bop knew he was different.  While all the other elf boys were out playing reindeer games, little Jingle was in his Mom’s closet trying on her best Christmas Eve frocks.   While the other little elves were saving their elf allowance to buy their first sleighs, Jingle was saving his for a sewing machine.  Well, it’s all payed off because now Jingle Bop is the #1 Elfinware Designer in the whole North Pole and he’s just released his Holiday 2012 Collection exclusively on our site!

 Below we have a sweet red felt skirt with snowflake details and a lovely white waistband that, as you can see by the look on his face, Jingle is particularly proud of

and here Jingle is modeling a white felt mini with holly berry and jingle bell details.

We’re proud of you for being yourself Jingle.  You look fabulous- boy or girl!!


Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today is NOT Black Friday Eve!!!

I hope you’re spending the day with loved ones and spending some time thinking about what you’re truly Thankful for this holiday…and not in line at Target mad at the lady in front of you for cutting the line.

BUT- if you are out and find yourself shopping- maybe you could consider picking up something for someone less fortunate.   Here’s a full list of needed items that Toys-for-Tots is trying to accumulate to help victims of Hurricane Sandy: TOYS-FOR-TOTS LIST.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Getting Ready for Sadie: the Bedding

Getting the nursery ready for our upcoming bundle of squish has been really fun.  It’s still weird to think that I’m going to be the Mom and that this is all for my own daughter but as our due date approaches (Jan. 1st!) it’s becoming more and more real. 
Part of it feeling more real is that my Mom completed the crib set that she made for us for the baby shower and it came out cuter than I could have ever imagined!  We got the fabric from my friend Aurora’s store, Fabric Bliss, which is located in Denver but they have a very easy-to-navigate online shopping feature.  I emailed Aurora and told her that I was looking for something “dainty but not girly, that coordinates but doesn’t match, has a vintage feel and it can’t be pink!”  Immediately she wrote back and suggested the Seaside collection from October Afternoon.  

And it’s beyond perfect!!

All of the fabrics coordinate with each other but don’t necessarily “match”, the prints are dainty enough for a baby girl but not drowned in pink-on-pink and they have an adorably vintage feel that goes perfectly with the vintage feel we are going for in the nursery.  

My Mom also made this precious mermaid-tailed receiving blanket (her own design) and I can’t get enough of it!  Thanks Mom!!  You’re the greatest!