First Christmas Window of the Season: Monkey Claus & the Missus

I did my first Christmas window of the Season yesterday at Two Little Monkeys in Union Square, Somerville, MA!!  

 The store is at the intersection of Somerville Ave & Bow Street.  Go check it out in person and get all Christmas-y.
Here’s a link to the Christmas countdown clock in case you need to check it every 3-4 minutes like I do:
36 days ’til Santa comes!!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…CRAFTING!

It snowed the other morning.

For me that means it’s Christmas time.

So even though it only snowed for 3 minutes and it was mixed with rain and none of it stuck to the ground…it still snowed. And now it’s Christmas time!!!

More specifically, it’s Christmas CRAFTING time!!  Here are some of my favorite Christmas crafts from years past to keep you busy while I stretch out my glitter coating, wreath making, snowflake cutting muscles. It’s important to ease into these things lest you pull something and have to sit out the rest of the season.


I’d love to see any projects you make following my tutorials or any projects you’ve made on your own!  

Merry Christmas Crafting season!!

Sadie the Incredible Mermaid Girl: D.I.Y. Traveling Side Show Mermaid Baby Costume

This year was my baby girl’s first halloween as a dress-up-able-human and it was imperative that she have the perfect first Halloween costume.  I had originally had my heart set on her being the bearded lady in a side show but when she wouldn’t leave the beard on I decided to take advantage of the fact that she’s not walking yet and put her in some sort of a sack costume which also meant that I would need to decorate her stroller…which naturally led me to make her the Incredible Mermaid Girl in a traveling side show!

I created her stroller cover using foam core as the fish tank frame; blue fabric, glitter tulle & clear plastic Christmas ornaments for the water; and foam core for the signage & held it all together using a glue gun.  I attached the whole contraption to the stroller (a Britax B-agile) using Velcro Garland Tie and all that was missing was a fat little mermaid to go inside.

Enter one fat little mermaid.  

I have a tutorial on how to make the shell top for the costume here 
& the mermaid tail tutorial is in the works!  
I’d love to see pictures of your home-made Halloween costumes.  Happy Be-lated Halloween!!
Christmas here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird…it’s a plane…no!…it’s SUPER MIA!!!

A couple of weekends ago I did this super hero city on the wall of one of Cambridge’s Finest SuperHero-esses: Miss Mia the Magnificent!  Little Miss Mia is quite the superhero aficionado and loves playing dress up in her many costumes BUT until now she had no where to showcase her beautiful outfits.  That has all changed now thanks to this wonderful idea from her awesome Mom.  (Good job Mom!)

Now Mia has her very own city to save from peril including her own spotlight with her name in it and in the lower left building a capital “M” in lights to make it just a little more special.

Thanks for keeping our city safe from bad guys Mia.  The world is a better place with your cute little face in it.