Winter Window Season

Winter window season is in full swing around these parts.  
Here are some of the Winter shenanigans going on in Somerville!

…over at Treeline:

And down at Petsi Pies:

And a quick Frosty at little Tayla’s house!

Off to paint more windows now.  Contact me if you’d like one of your own!

Halloween Window at Magpie Kids

Halloween window painting at Magpie Kids in Somerville, MA.

My little busy bee and her ladybug friend.

Buggy Bugs giving hugs in front of the photo backdrop I painted for the Halloween Party at Magpie Kids.

Photo cred: Allana of http://www.arsmagnastudio.com. 


It’s here! It’s here! It’s FLUFF FEST!!

Today is Fluff Fest in Union Square and I am bursting at the seams with excitement!  If you have been anywhere near me for the last month or so I’ve probably already told you that I am the Official 2013 Fluff Festival Sign Painter!!  (A title I gave myself)  I’ve been working dilligantly for weeks now trying to get all 23 signs and 5 trophies done and I can’t wait to see them in action at the festival!

Fluff Fest was started in 2005 by Mimi Graney who is the Head Lady in Charge (also I title I created) over at Union Square Main Streets.  She is in charge of all things Union-Square from craft shows to farmer’s markets and everything in between.  This is the 8th year of the Fluff Fest and they are anticipated THOUSANDS of attendees!!

…Which means of course that THOUSANDS of people are going to see my signs!!!  I can’t wait.  It starts at 3pm and goes to 7:00 there are games and performances and a cooking contest and of course PRIZES!!

Maybe I’ll see you there.  I’ll be the one taking selfies with all of the signs. 🙂

Happy Fluff Fest!!!

You can see pictures of all of my little babies at my gallery page: mandeemade.shutterfly.com and you can learn more about Fluff Fest at the Union Square Main Streets website.


Putting the "Grill" in Grillo’s

Well, the end of August is here and Sam the Pickle Man knows what that means…it’s time to grill!!

Labor Day is the second most popular BBQ day in the United States coming in only slightly after the 4th of July in popularity.  (I made all that up.)  And it’s right around the corner!

It’s time for one last hurrah with your friends before the days get shorter and the nights turn chilly.  
Head over to Grillo’s Pickles in Inman Square in Somerville to get some pickles for your Labor Day BBQ and make sure to tell them Mandee sent you!

(Not because you’ll get a discount but because I want them to think I’m sooooooo cool.)
Happy Grilling!!

$5 DIY Googley-eyed Fall Wreath Tutorial

I’m not sure what’s happening to me but I felt an overwhelming urge to make an Autumn wreath this year.  I’ve always been into decorating, and over-decorating, for the holidays but I usually keep it to giant fake spiders, severed hands and glittery skeletons.  Your standard October stuff.  So when I found myself shopping for a wreath making supplies, nobody was more surprised than me.  It was as if I blacked out and woke up at the register with a wreath form and fake foliage in my hands. 
So, I’ve accepted it, I like wreaths.  There, I said it.  
But that doesn’t mean I have to make a button covered, gingham scarecrow country crafts with a giant bow type of wreath.   I can like wreaths and still make them look like me.  It doesn’t mean I have to buy high waisted Mom jeans or run out and lease a mini-van.  Not yet anyway.  
So here is my tutorial on how to make a quick $5 Googley-Eyed Fall Wreath:

SUPPLIES (I got the $1 supplies from the dollar store)
$1 wreath form
$1 fall foliage x3
$1 5pk mini squashes
ball of twine (had on hand)
googley eyes (had on hand) 
wire cutters (had ’em)
glue gun/glue sticks (had ’em)

To begin, start by tying the end of your twine to your wreath form and wrap the twine around the wreath for a space about 3″ long.  This is purely decorative. 

Next, arrange your 3 bouquets of fall foliage and begin snipping them off of the main branch with your wire cutters.  Arrange the new seperate pieces so that you have 2 equal bouquets (if you plan on making 2 wreaths…which I did because I have a double front door.)

Now begin adding the plastic foliage to your wreath just under the 3″ band of twine.  I used hot glue to keep the plants in place and then wrapped more twine around the base of each one- mostly because it looks cute but also to secure it in place.  

When you reach the end add another 3″ section of wrapped twine to finish it off.  You can stop here and have a perfectly lovely Autumnal Wreath to hang on your front door but I feel like it’s just too regular.  It needs something. 
In my case, that “something” almost always ends up being googley-eyes.  Or “guurely eyes” as my niece calls them.  
From the 5 pack of mini squashes I scooped at the dollar store, I grabbed a couple of ’em and gave them life.  I am not unlike the good Dr. Frankenstein in this way.  

Take your freshly googelied squashes and arrange them at the base of your fallin’ foliage until you are satisfied and hot glue them into place.  

**Note: my squashes are made of styrofoam which means they basically melt when the come in contact with hot glue.  Turn your glue gun to the lowest setting if you have that option or put the glue on the wreath first and allow it to cool for about 3-4 seconds before placing your squash so that it doesn’t turn into a puddle.**

And finally, add a twine hanger to the top of your wreath and hang with pride from your front door(s).  

Together these wreaths cost me less than $10 and they can be left up through Halloween and all the way through to Thanksgiving.  I hope you like them as much as I do. 
happy fall!


Happy Critters Custom Playground Painting

This custom 24″x36″ painting was made just for Vivian who turned 2 last weekend to bring more color to her “not too pinky-girly” nursery and came to me my favorite way, through word of mouth advertising.

Included in the painting are Vivan’s favorite stuffed animals, herself and of course, a girl’s best friend, her dog, Milo.   

Vivan wasn’t home to see the painting in person when I dropped it off but luckily her Mom shot me this adorable play-by-play of when she first saw it:

I wanted to let you know about Vivian’s reaction when she first saw your painting.  She saw it as soon as she walked into her room yesterday afternoon, and did a total double-take.  Then she pointed at Dolly in the picture and said her name, and went to grab the actual Dolly from her toy bin so she could hold her just like she is in the picture.  Then she pointed at each of her “friends” in the picture and named them, and also pointed out Milo.  I asked her if she liked the picture, and she said, “Yesssss!””

Reactions like that make this job even sweeter, if that’s possible.

And, as if that weren’t enough, piggy-backed on top of all that sweetness was this painting also done for Vivian commissioned by the original word-of-mouth advertiser, the customer I painted Ryan’s Safari for.
Little V is a second generation Chinese-American, this is her birth animal, the tiger and her name written in Chinese characters.  It was painted to coordinate-with but not necessarily match the playground painting in order to keep the room from looking too “theme-y” (which is definitely a word) and topped off with a distressed white frame.

Thanks for stopping by and please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions if you’d like your own custom nursery artwork!  

…don’t be a stranger, ya’hear?