Before & After: the Painting Process

Makeover shows, be them human or residential, are a major weakness of mine.  Mostly because I love a good before-and-after picture.  I love seeing a neglected little kitchen in Iowa that hasn’t been updated since Reagan was in office be turned into a gormet cookery fit for the White House.  It’s so satisfying to see the design come to life and the before-and-after shot at the end is what makes it all come together.

The same is true for paintings.  Whenever I’m asked to do a custom painting I always start with a sketch to make sure the customer and I are on the same page.  Once the drawing is approved, I get ‘er painted up and no many how many times I go through the process I still love seeing the before and after shot at the end.    

For instance, you can go from hand-colored sketch to nice looking piece of art (if I do say so myself):

From an idea in a notebook to a wall-sized triptych that is now the highlight of Lil’ Dillon’s room.  

From a basic scribble to a full-blown stadium.

From outline to outstanding….ya, I just said that.  
Click HERE to see more before-and-afters.  

And feel free to email me if you have an idea for a painting…or if you just want to talk about muffins. 


25 Cent Word!: Anthropomorphic

I learned a new word- anthropomorphicsuggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things, please be prepared for me to throw it around all the time now.  I feel like I just found out about jeans or something.  Like the entire world new there was a word for creepy smilinging vegetalbes, little girls with apple heads and hot dogs with faces happily grilling themselves except me.  It wasn’t until I was using every single adjective in my vocabulary AND both hands trying to describe “those creepy teapots with faces…from the 50’s…shaped like apples…you know?” that my sister-in-law said, “you mean like an anthropomorphic teapot?” 

Gah!  There’s a word for that???  Amazing.

Now would be a great time to check out my brand new Anthropomorphic Label!


We did it! We did it!!

                                                                                    painting (c) Scott Murry
Last night was a SMASH success!!!  We packed the Cantina Mexicana to the rafters, sold some art,  killed some tacos and even enjoyed some jalapeno margaritas (Marga-penos?)!  All in all, it was an amazing night!  Thanks to everyone who braved the rain and came out to celebrate our nation’s greatest food holiday. 
The tacos will be hanging at the Cantina through Sunday, Oct. 9th.  Go check ’em out!
National Deviled Egg Day is November 2nd….start the countdown!
photo credit BazBiz
UPDATE!: Bazaar Bizarre has some pictures and nice words about the event on their website!  Thanks BazBiz!

Babushka Bowling!

I donated the painting of these little ladies for
a mutli-cultural fair thrown by an international 
adoption agency that my good friend (and part-
time photographer) Kristen works for. 
They started out as a set of white rubber foam
bowling pins from TheLandofNod.com and Kristen
had the idea to make them matryoshka (aka Russian
Stacking) dolls to represent their Russian clientele.  


Close ups:

Oh, I nearly forgot about the BALL!  You can tell by his expression 
that he is overjoyed to be in the presence of these fine lookin’ ladies!
Oh my!
