Winter Window Season

Winter window season is in full swing around these parts.  
Here are some of the Winter shenanigans going on in Somerville!

…over at Treeline:

And down at Petsi Pies:

And a quick Frosty at little Tayla’s house!

Off to paint more windows now.  Contact me if you’d like one of your own!

The Snowman Family window painting

Winter window in the EU at Beth Israel:
a snowman family celebrating the upcoming Winter Solstice!

We’re celebrating the winter solstice in our house too 
because it’s our baby snowgirl’s first birthday on the 21st.

I can’t believe it’s already been a year and at the same time that it’s ONLY been a year.  What a whirlwind!  

Happy Birthday little snowgirl!  Mama loves you!!

First Christmas Window of the Season: Monkey Claus & the Missus

I did my first Christmas window of the Season yesterday at Two Little Monkeys in Union Square, Somerville, MA!!  

 The store is at the intersection of Somerville Ave & Bow Street.  Go check it out in person and get all Christmas-y.
Here’s a link to the Christmas countdown clock in case you need to check it every 3-4 minutes like I do:
36 days ’til Santa comes!!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…CRAFTING!

It snowed the other morning.

For me that means it’s Christmas time.

So even though it only snowed for 3 minutes and it was mixed with rain and none of it stuck to the ground…it still snowed. And now it’s Christmas time!!!

More specifically, it’s Christmas CRAFTING time!!  Here are some of my favorite Christmas crafts from years past to keep you busy while I stretch out my glitter coating, wreath making, snowflake cutting muscles. It’s important to ease into these things lest you pull something and have to sit out the rest of the season.


I’d love to see any projects you make following my tutorials or any projects you’ve made on your own!  

Merry Christmas Crafting season!!

Liz’s AMAZING Half-Jewish Ugly Christmas Sweater!

What do you do when you’re both half-Jewish and you’re invited to your friend’s ugly Christmas sweater party?

Well, if you’re Liz, you go halfsies on a sweater with your best Dude and make an incredible half-Hannukah/half-Christmas sweater that is so amazing that you just can’t help but stare at it and keep saying, “oh my God, it’s a full menorah when you’re side-by-side!  I can’t believe it!”   Well played Rosenberg, well played.

Happy Hannukah/Christmas everyone!

Winter Fireplace Window Painting

This month’s window painting is special not only because it’s some magical fireplace burning out in the middle of a snow storm but also because it’s going to have to stay up for 3 months- a.k.a. the length of my maternity leave.  
My last day of work is on Wednesday and Baby Sadie is expected to come by January 1st!  Which should be plenty of time to disinfect my entire house top-to-bottom about 3 times before she gets here…this nesting thing is no joke.  

Let it snow!  Let it snow!  Let it snow!

Elf on the Shelf: Gender Reassignment Surgery

For as long as he can remember, Jingle Bop knew he was different.  While all the other elf boys were out playing reindeer games, little Jingle was in his Mom’s closet trying on her best Christmas Eve frocks.   While the other little elves were saving their elf allowance to buy their first sleighs, Jingle was saving his for a sewing machine.  Well, it’s all payed off because now Jingle Bop is the #1 Elfinware Designer in the whole North Pole and he’s just released his Holiday 2012 Collection exclusively on our site!

 Below we have a sweet red felt skirt with snowflake details and a lovely white waistband that, as you can see by the look on his face, Jingle is particularly proud of

and here Jingle is modeling a white felt mini with holly berry and jingle bell details.

We’re proud of you for being yourself Jingle.  You look fabulous- boy or girl!!