Hand Painted Strawberry Clogs

These custom clogs are for a globe-trotting young sassafras who originally hails from Ireland.  She needed something worldly, bright and most importantly adorable.  I settled on a Matryoshka inspired strawberry theme and threw in some of my own flair.  They are painted by hand using weather-proof paint made exclusively for painting leather and will wear just like a leather shoe and sealed with an acrylic sealant to protect the image. 

Let me know if you have some clogs that could use a makeover.  It’s $60 for most  designs. 
Thanks for looking!  -m

The Swan: Clog Edition

It’s time for another episode of, The Swan…for clogs. In this Episode we meet Red and Ivory. Always ashamed of her complexion and scuffs, Red decided to go under the paintbrush. Here she is before:

And after:
She’s had multiple procedures including removal of original finish, color change, embellishments and finally a clear coat to make her shine!
Next we meet Ivory. Ivory was one a beautiful young shoe, the bell of the hospital ball! But, after years of hard work and multiple trips out in the harsh New England weather, this once-lovely clog is feeling worse for the wear. Here is her before picture:
And now after, with her updated color, custom graphics and shiny new finish!

She looks beautiful!!

Clog Blog: Part II

My co-worker came to me with a special request; she had a pair of clogs that she adored but that were too uncomfortable to work in all day and another pair that were super comfy but had seen better days. She wondered if I could combine the two. But of course!


And after:

Left: inspiration shoe
Right: new shoe

I hope you and your new/old clogs are very happy together Michelle! 😉


Old to New: Blaithin’s Clogs

I realized the only way to get anything accomplished is by including the kittens in my projects.   Seen above is Stephen the Girl modeling a pair of clogs I just refinished for my friend Blaithin (pronounced Bla-heen).  Kittens are so good at sitting still and having their pictures taken.    
Here they are before:

And now, after:

If you’d like a customized pair of clogs also email me at mandeemartin@gmail.com.  They were squeal inducing for the ladies at work, hopefully they have the same effect on you.   Have a great weekend!!