Day 10: The Pledge

Earth Day 2012 is Sunday, April 22nd- that’s 10 days away.  

For the next 10 days I challenge you to do one act a day to help clean up the earth and lessen our environmental footprint on it.  

Day 10: Go to EarthDay.org and pledge an Act of Green.  I pledged to quit using plastic utensils.  Plastic utensils  are super convenient and I fully admit that I’m guilty of using them but did you know that according to the EPA only 8% of plastic is actually recycled in America?  For the sake of argument let’s say that I use one 3-piece set of plastic cutlery a day.  That’s 3 pieces of hard to recycle plastic (fork, knife, spoon) per workday, per year….the average person works about 261 days a year…that’s 783 pieces of throw-away cutlery!!   And that’s just accounting for what I use AT WORK…what about weekends, while traveling, picniks, etc.  Woah.

My solution:   The obvious choice is to use metal cutlery whenever possible but I work 40 hours a week with a 2-hour round-trip commute which means, I’m not home a lot so- I bought this:

It’s totally a spork.  My very best Liz has had one that she carries around in her purse with her everywhere and I always see her use it but never really thought much of it until now.  She eats all of her at-work meals with it and then washes it and puts it back in her bag.  Genius!  So now I’m jumping on the Liz-Wagon, using my spork and encouraging others to do the same.  We’re saving the earth…one plastic fork at a time.

What are you going to pledge?