Getting Ready for Sadie: the Bedding

Getting the nursery ready for our upcoming bundle of squish has been really fun.  It’s still weird to think that I’m going to be the Mom and that this is all for my own daughter but as our due date approaches (Jan. 1st!) it’s becoming more and more real. 
Part of it feeling more real is that my Mom completed the crib set that she made for us for the baby shower and it came out cuter than I could have ever imagined!  We got the fabric from my friend Aurora’s store, Fabric Bliss, which is located in Denver but they have a very easy-to-navigate online shopping feature.  I emailed Aurora and told her that I was looking for something “dainty but not girly, that coordinates but doesn’t match, has a vintage feel and it can’t be pink!”  Immediately she wrote back and suggested the Seaside collection from October Afternoon.  

And it’s beyond perfect!!

All of the fabrics coordinate with each other but don’t necessarily “match”, the prints are dainty enough for a baby girl but not drowned in pink-on-pink and they have an adorably vintage feel that goes perfectly with the vintage feel we are going for in the nursery.  

My Mom also made this precious mermaid-tailed receiving blanket (her own design) and I can’t get enough of it!  Thanks Mom!!  You’re the greatest!


Day 2: Craft Day!

It’s Saturday, aka craft day!  I decided to try my hand at the trash-to-trasure example from yesterday:

the recycled bottle cell phone charging station.

 For this project you’ll need the following supplies:

  • a bottle destined for the recycle bin
  • 1/4 yard of scrap fabric
  • mod podge
  • X-acto knife
  • sandpaper
  • outlet cover
  • sharpie
  • paintbrush
To create this charging station, cut your plastic bottle in half, you’re creating a small cup.
Cover this cup with your scrap fabric using your paintbrush and mod podge.  
On the back of the cup, add a long piece of fabric to attach to he outlet cover. (seen below)

 While that dries, cover the outlet cover with the same fabric.  Follow my tutorial here.

Once both pieces are dry, cut the fabric extension into 3 pieces and cut out the middle piece- you’ll be left with 2 strips on either side to adhere to the outlet cover.

Place the cover face down on a surface that is level with the cup and mod podge the pieces together, below.

Allow to dry, plug in your phone and you’re done!


Bliss in the Mail

I am in the middle of a never-ending (and very laaaaaazy) quest to find the perfect fabric to cover the throw pillows on my couch.  Earlier this Summer I thought I had it all figured out….and then I got a new rug that threw everything off.  Damn!  This quest recently brought me to my friend Aurora’s Denver fabric store/craft shop/knitting studio website, Fabric Bliss, simply to get some ideas from her fabulous fabric selection.  That’s when I found out that Fabric Bliss now has an online store!  Shit ya!  

The 2 fabrics I decided on were this delicious grey, yellow & white Ty Pennington design that looks hand screened and is going to make a gorgeous pillow (someday)

and this really awesome Tapestry print in carrot by Tina Givens.

Now, before you point out that these prints totally clash, you should know that they’re for pillows on different couches in different houses- a friend of mine is also in the throws of pillow covering angst.  The horror!  One of my favorite things about ordering on Fabric Bliss was that you can order in 1/4 yard increments!!  Which is so rad because if you’ve ever gone to a fabric store and been told there is a 10 yard minimum on a fabric that you just want a little taste of you know how annoying that is.  I ordered 3/4 of a yard of the Tapestry print just to excercise my rights.  Love it.  The fabric came super fast, USPS Priority Mail with a cute note and a smiley face.

If you’re in the market for fabric or yarn you should go check out the site.  You’ll be supporting an awesome girl with great taste and getting some fabulous fabric.  Tell her Mandee sent ya!