Babushka Bowling!

I donated the painting of these little ladies for
a mutli-cultural fair thrown by an international 
adoption agency that my good friend (and part-
time photographer) Kristen works for. 
They started out as a set of white rubber foam
bowling pins from TheLandofNod.com and Kristen
had the idea to make them matryoshka (aka Russian
Stacking) dolls to represent their Russian clientele.  


Close ups:

Oh, I nearly forgot about the BALL!  You can tell by his expression 
that he is overjoyed to be in the presence of these fine lookin’ ladies!
Oh my!


Face Painting at Mia’s 1st Birthday!

Last weekend I had the priviledge of painting all of these adorable faces at Little Miss Mia’s first birthday party! There were about 40 kids there and they all waited so patiently to have their faces painted I was truly impressed! Nice job guys! Here are some of the pictures:

You can check out the rest of them here.

If you are interesting in having me come paint faces at your child’s birthday please feel free to contact me!