It’s here! It’s here! It’s FLUFF FEST!!

Today is Fluff Fest in Union Square and I am bursting at the seams with excitement!  If you have been anywhere near me for the last month or so I’ve probably already told you that I am the Official 2013 Fluff Festival Sign Painter!!  (A title I gave myself)  I’ve been working dilligantly for weeks now trying to get all 23 signs and 5 trophies done and I can’t wait to see them in action at the festival!

Fluff Fest was started in 2005 by Mimi Graney who is the Head Lady in Charge (also I title I created) over at Union Square Main Streets.  She is in charge of all things Union-Square from craft shows to farmer’s markets and everything in between.  This is the 8th year of the Fluff Fest and they are anticipated THOUSANDS of attendees!!

…Which means of course that THOUSANDS of people are going to see my signs!!!  I can’t wait.  It starts at 3pm and goes to 7:00 there are games and performances and a cooking contest and of course PRIZES!!

Maybe I’ll see you there.  I’ll be the one taking selfies with all of the signs. 🙂

Happy Fluff Fest!!!

You can see pictures of all of my little babies at my gallery page: mandeemade.shutterfly.com and you can learn more about Fluff Fest at the Union Square Main Streets website.


Approved by 1/8 of the Red Sox

Five players from the Red Sox came through work today to personally thank some of the staff who were here last Monday with a meet-n-greet and while they were here they stopped to see my new window. 

From Left to Right: Stephen Drew, Will Middlebrooks, Jackie Bradley, Mike Napoli & David Ross
It’s been a difficult week in Boston and an especially trying week here at work so it was really classy of these gentlemen to come by and spread some love.  #redsoxnation
Photo by Bruce Wahl.

OMG! OMG! OMG!I’m Featured on Ecka & Pecka!! (no big deal)

Hey dudes.  I got the best email this morning from a sweet little thing named Meream over and Ecka & Pecka telling me they featured one of my projects on their adorable blog!  Huzzah!

And this little boost could not have come at a better time as I am exactly 6 weeks into my maternity leave today and have been wondering how in the world I’m going to fit painting back into my new life of bottle washing and diaper-figuring-outer-ing.  

It’s amazing how such a little thing can help make a girl feel re-energized and ready to paint!  Thank you Meream- you dream boat!  

(Maybe I’ll even get the paintings I’ve been promising my very own daughter done now too….baby steps.)

Liz’s AMAZING Half-Jewish Ugly Christmas Sweater!

What do you do when you’re both half-Jewish and you’re invited to your friend’s ugly Christmas sweater party?

Well, if you’re Liz, you go halfsies on a sweater with your best Dude and make an incredible half-Hannukah/half-Christmas sweater that is so amazing that you just can’t help but stare at it and keep saying, “oh my God, it’s a full menorah when you’re side-by-side!  I can’t believe it!”   Well played Rosenberg, well played.

Happy Hannukah/Christmas everyone!

Makeover Monday: The Red Credenza

Makeover Monday (Tuesday Edition):
The Great Credenza Makeover of 2012
Last Thursday, on my daily trip around Craigslist, I found this beautiful 1960’s style credenza living in the garage of the nicest seller in the history of Craigslist for $25 bucks! 
The drawers and the sliding doors turned out to be the only real wood on it.  The rest of it, as far as I can tell, is made of cement mixed with whatever the heaviest thing on earth is.  Seriously, this thing weighs a ton.  Luckily my wonderful (and hilarious!) friend Zach was nice enough to throw on some sweat pants and go pick it up with me.  Thanks Zach!  (Sorry you had to wear sweat pants to class.)
We got it in the house as far as the living room where it had to stay because Zach had to go to class (in sweats) and, as I may have mentioned, this thing weighs at least 300lbs (and I can only bench press 275) so I can’t move it alone.  Living room it is.  I began to unscrew the legs…there were 7.  Interesting.  
While it was flipped over I realized that the entire thing was 3 separate pieces connected by 2 brackets and the common top.  I unscrewed the brackets and top, had it quickly inspected by Fonzie and the pieces came right apart.  I love it so much as one piece but at 8′ long I have nowhere the entire unit would even fit. 
Plus, now that they’re separate I can actually move the pieces all by my lonesome.  Holler!
I sanded everything- doors, drawers, legs, etc.
And primed them with Zinsser.  This was my first time using Zinsser and I love it!  It dried really fast and covered everything.
I painted the outer parts of the credenza (here after 1 coat) with Rustoleum ‘Gloss Sunrise Red’.  I chose the Rustoleum because I wanted a high shine and I loved this perfect color red.  The inside was painted flat ‘Olivewood’ grey.
Now for the doors.  I decided not to prime the doors, just sand them mostly because I didn’t want to tape around that little metal handle bit.  Also cause I just didn’t think they needed it. 
I put the doors in the credenza where they’ll eventually live and traced the line where they overlap.

Next I laid my doors on the amazing decorative paper I’m using to cover them and cut around their outline using an X-acto knife.  Using the line we drew on the second door I allowed for a little bit of overlap so that the image would appear as one piece when the doors are closed. 

Once you’re happy with your paper placement Mod Podge it into place.  Cover the entire surface with Mod Podge, lay your paper down and smooth out any air bubbles.  Be sure to work quick, this stuff dries fast.  When it’s in place, cover the entire surface with Mod Podge.  (It’s a good idea to use M.P. Hard Coat for this project.)

At first the glue will be cloudy but never fear, it will dry to a beautifully clear finish in no time.  I chose a matte finish and also decided to cover the second set of doors with a 2nd paper option because I just couldn’t pick one.
I put the top back on, screwed on the legs and slid the doors in and the results are a sophisticated yet playful piece of furniture that I absolutely adore.  I cannot wait to fill it with carp…I mean crap. 
***TIP from my Mom***
Instead of wasting time cleaning paintbrushes that you’re just going to use again for the second coat, wrap them in plastic wrap or a grocery bag and pop ’em in the freezer until you’re ready for the next coat of paint.  This way you only have to wash your brushes once at the end of the project which will help seriously reduce the desire to just abandon the project halfway through because washing paint rollers is such a gigantic paint in the a**.  Thanks Lady!

Leapin’ Lizards!

                                                                             dry erase board by mandee (C)2012
it’s leap day! our calendar’s only quadrennial holiday.  Leap Year was introduced by Roman emperor Julius Caesar and dates back to 46 B.C.- it is a corrective measure to keep our calendar matching the four seasons and the earth’s alignment with the sun.  i’d like to wish a very happy birthday to my childhood friend, Lindsay Wilson, a Leapling, aaaaaand also offer her an apology for teasing her releantlessly for being 2 when she was really turning 8.  she hated that.  sorry Lindsay.  
happy birthday to all the Leaplings out there!! 

Gather Here: Don’t mind if I do

In honor of Random Acts of Kindness week I thought I’d share this quick story.  Not long ago I got an envelope in the mail from Gather Here– a super wicked crazy adorable sewing store & craft studio in Inman Square.  Inside there was a gift card for $25- awesome!- but it didn’t say who it was from.  
“Hmmmmm, I wonder who this is from”, I thought naturally. 
I asked Jeremy, called Liz, yelled down to Olivia, emailed my Sister, e-buggled Kristen and it wasn’t from any of them.  That’s when I had to seriously sit down and take inventory of my friends that a) are crafty and b) would have my address on hand and that’s when it hit me, “ooooooh, it was AMY!”
It was so wonderful to get a random gift in the mail and the fact that it came unsigned turned it into an impromto treasure hunt which was awesome.  I made it over to Gather Here just the other day and here are the fabrics I came home with: 
I’m told they lovingly refer to the green fabric as the “q-tip fabric”….oh ya, I see it now.
  ❤ thanks Amy Beth!! ❤

Quick Fix: Forgetting to Buy Flowers on Valentine’s Day

Whether you forgot to buy flowers this morning and are looking for a quick cover-up or you just wanted to make breakfast in bed for Sweetie, here are two quick ideas that turn regular Valentine’s breakfast-in-bed into something a little more special. 

Instead of just plopping some boring square butter onto the pancakes you’ve lovingly made for your beau this morning, why not cut them into mini hearts and then plop them on your pancakes?




Then, using a piece of paper, a skewer (or a chopstick), a marker and some tape, make an adorable note to stick into those delicious pancakes you made.




Serve your pancakes on tray with some tea, juice and little paper hearts and now Sweetie thinks you are just the most thoughtful person, going through all that trouble just for them!  You shouldn’t have. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!!  
❤ mandee rae & purdy

Shape Up With Pickles WEEK!!!

Jumpin’ Jesus on a pogo stick!  It’s ‘Shape Up With Pickles Week!’  An entire week devoted to pickles!!!…aaaaaaand shaping up with them, whatever that means.

Here’re some pickley treasures from the Etsy-Dot-Com Super Store:

And a print of Miss Pickles by this dude JimBob…..awwwww, hewwo Miss Pickles.
 Miss Pickles print - 'The Original'
I’ll be back when I have something relevant and pickle related to talk about.  Please do the same.