Dresser Makeover: Recreating a $799 dresser for $42

Recently I was approached to recreate a beautiful dresser with a staggering price tag.  The Collage Dresser retails for $799 and I’m sure it’s well worth it- the dresser is lovely- but “in this economy” (aka the catch phrase of the 21st century) who can really afford it?  The recipient also wanted a decidedly less “shabby chic” version of the dresser with no distressing or faux wear on the paper.

To make this dresser I started out with my basic supplies.  My client already had an old cheap dresser in her house so we saved money on having to buy one though you can always find cheap dressers on Craigslist if you were looking to do this project.   Cost of project: $0.00
I also had some semi-gloss, oil-based white paint left over from another project and used that to paint the dresser.  It’s a good idea to use a gloss or semi-gloss on dressers so that you can wipe them down if necessary.  I did 3 coats of the white with a roller.  So far the cost of this project is still $0.00.  Excellent.
I ordered some vintage wallpaper on Etsy from 2 shops, Vintage Sheet Addict and Threads & Memories, I spent about $16 at each shop and the paper is awesome.  There were so many cool designs it was really hard to decide which ones made the cut.  Cost of project now: $32.
I laid the paper out on the drawers and experimented with placement until it looked right. 
One drawer in particular gave me a considerable amount of trouble.   I got it right on the 3rd attempt. 
I glued the wallpaper in place using Tacky Glue and then smoothed it out using a brayer.  (You can find them both at Michael’s, AC Moore, Blick, etc.)  This worked better than Modge Podge because since this is vintage wallpaper that’s been rolled up for God knows how long- it didn’t lay as well as regular paper would and the corners kept curling up on me.  Because the Tacky Glue is true to it’s name and “tacky”, it was easier to make the edges stick to the drawer.   

Then I spent $10 on some basic black knobs from the Target General Super Store and my dresser was complete.  Bringing my grand total to $42 and some change.  Not bad considering this project was done as a trade- I got to spend a week at my client’s house on Cape Cod in exchange for creating this dresser for her.  I think I got the better end of this bargain.

Thanks for coming by!  I hope you liked my project.  If you did, let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to go “like” me on Facebook.   (I told my Mom I was popular…I don’t want to disappoint her.)


Day 5: Buy Vintage, Save the World

                                              Photo property of Poor Little Rich Girl

On Day 5 of “10 Easy Ways to Save the World Without Growing Out Your Armpit Hair” we are going to celebrate the world-saving power of simply buying vintage.

There are plenty of reasons to buy gently used or vintage clothing and furniture: it’s unique, has a history and it can be an investment.  It’s also recycling!   Buying clothes and furniture from a local second-hand shop or antique store  is beneficial to you and your community by:

                                 Found on Craigslist this morning for $50.

Keeping clothing and furniture out of landfills
Everything you buy second-hand gets another life and thereby skips it’s fate in the landfill.

Saving on gas consumption and air pollution
By not having your new dresser delivered to you in a big, gas-guzzling delivery truck from a warehouse in the middle of nowhere, you’re saving precious natural resources and keeping exhaust out of the air.  Good job!

Buying local helps the local economy
Money spent locally stays local.  It’s the easiest way to boost your own town’s economy.  In an article in  Time magazine on the topic they said that “Money is like blood. It needs to keep moving around to keep the economy going, when money is spent elsewhere—at big supermarkets, non-locally owned utilities and other services such as on-line retailers—it flows out, like a wound.”  

Keeping Pesticides out of the Soil
The average conventional cotton t-shirt takes 150 grams of pesticides to produce.  According to one study, America throws away two quadrillion pounds of used clothing each year.  Wow.  Getting the most out of vintage clothing will eventually slow the demand for these new items and keep some dangerous pesticides out of our soil and our water table. 

Some of my favorite local places to find vintage treasures are
the Cambridge Antique Market
Poor Little Rich Girl
The Garment District
The Collector on Highland Ave. (brand new!), 
and rest in peace, Savers.  

Go shopping and save the world!