Nothing to see here, just a pickle turkey in Jordans.

You know, just your standard turkey with pickles feathers rockin’ Ray Bans 
and some first edition Jordans.  

This guy has gotten the Humpty Dance stuck in my head AAAAALLLLLLLLL 
day long!  (Much to my husband’s chagrin)
“My nose is big, nu-uh, I’m not ashamed, 
Big like a pickle, I’m still gettin’ paid…”

Putting the "Grill" in Grillo’s

Well, the end of August is here and Sam the Pickle Man knows what that means…it’s time to grill!!

Labor Day is the second most popular BBQ day in the United States coming in only slightly after the 4th of July in popularity.  (I made all that up.)  And it’s right around the corner!

It’s time for one last hurrah with your friends before the days get shorter and the nights turn chilly.  
Head over to Grillo’s Pickles in Inman Square in Somerville to get some pickles for your Labor Day BBQ and make sure to tell them Mandee sent you!

(Not because you’ll get a discount but because I want them to think I’m sooooooo cool.)
Happy Grilling!!