Halloween Window at Magpie Kids

Halloween window painting at Magpie Kids in Somerville, MA.

My little busy bee and her ladybug friend.

Buggy Bugs giving hugs in front of the photo backdrop I painted for the Halloween Party at Magpie Kids.

Photo cred: Allana of http://www.arsmagnastudio.com. 


Sadie the Incredible Mermaid Girl: D.I.Y. Traveling Side Show Mermaid Baby Costume

This year was my baby girl’s first halloween as a dress-up-able-human and it was imperative that she have the perfect first Halloween costume.  I had originally had my heart set on her being the bearded lady in a side show but when she wouldn’t leave the beard on I decided to take advantage of the fact that she’s not walking yet and put her in some sort of a sack costume which also meant that I would need to decorate her stroller…which naturally led me to make her the Incredible Mermaid Girl in a traveling side show!

I created her stroller cover using foam core as the fish tank frame; blue fabric, glitter tulle & clear plastic Christmas ornaments for the water; and foam core for the signage & held it all together using a glue gun.  I attached the whole contraption to the stroller (a Britax B-agile) using Velcro Garland Tie and all that was missing was a fat little mermaid to go inside.

Enter one fat little mermaid.  

I have a tutorial on how to make the shell top for the costume here 
& the mermaid tail tutorial is in the works!  
I’d love to see pictures of your home-made Halloween costumes.  Happy Be-lated Halloween!!
Christmas here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Minute NO-SEW D.I.Y. Costume: Mini Hula Girl

Here’s a last minute NO-SEW costume idea for you or your little one: 

What you’ll need
  • a green plastic tablecloth
  • scissors
  • glue gun/glue sticks
  • string/rope/twine
  • fringe (optional)
  • hawaiian flower for hair clip (optional)
  • shirt or onesie
  • felt for shells
  • blue marker

1. Open your tablecloth and cut it down to fit lengthwise around your waist and so that it’s long enough to just graze the knee.  
2. Keep it folded over and begin cutting it into fringe.

3. Once the fringe is cut grab your rope and fringe if you have some laying around.  I had this awesome piece of white fringe/tassles leftover from an old project.

4. Hot glue your twine onto the skirt at the fold and let dry.  Flip skirt over- hot glue the fringe to the front.
Your skirt is done.

Now for the shirt.

I’m using this off-white onesie for my daughter’s costume.  It has a design on it but it should be covered by the shells so don’t worry about it.  I’m also using left-over felt from her mermaid costume to be green and save a buck.

  1. Lay the felt scraps over the design to figure out where the shells will go.  Draw the shells directly onto the felt.
2. Cut out the shells and define them using any permanent marker.  I like this blue but you can use any color.  

3. Hot glue the shells onto the shirt.

Aaaaaand you’re done!

Now slip the costume onto your little model and try desperately to get her to look at you.  
Good luck and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


Hay Girl! New Fall Window at River Dog!

Here is the new Fall window over at River Dog in Union Square- a furry little Scotty and his cat.

If this guy were a real dude I would be all over him!  With his adorable emo hair swoop and fat feet…we’d be buddies.  He’s seen on the window keeping Dennis the sleeping shop cat company.

Dennis really has it made in the shade at River Dog and he’s the reason there’s some hay missing under the dog…that’s his perch in there and he needs to be able to see out.  It’s important work he does over there.

And because it’s Halloween and I just couldn’t resist…here’s a pumpkin with some spiderwebs on the front door.  Spooooooky!
Stop by River Dog on Oct. 20th to enter your dog in their costume contest!!  More details on their facebook page. Good luck!!

$5 DIY Googley-eyed Fall Wreath Tutorial

I’m not sure what’s happening to me but I felt an overwhelming urge to make an Autumn wreath this year.  I’ve always been into decorating, and over-decorating, for the holidays but I usually keep it to giant fake spiders, severed hands and glittery skeletons.  Your standard October stuff.  So when I found myself shopping for a wreath making supplies, nobody was more surprised than me.  It was as if I blacked out and woke up at the register with a wreath form and fake foliage in my hands. 
So, I’ve accepted it, I like wreaths.  There, I said it.  
But that doesn’t mean I have to make a button covered, gingham scarecrow country crafts with a giant bow type of wreath.   I can like wreaths and still make them look like me.  It doesn’t mean I have to buy high waisted Mom jeans or run out and lease a mini-van.  Not yet anyway.  
So here is my tutorial on how to make a quick $5 Googley-Eyed Fall Wreath:

SUPPLIES (I got the $1 supplies from the dollar store)
$1 wreath form
$1 fall foliage x3
$1 5pk mini squashes
ball of twine (had on hand)
googley eyes (had on hand) 
wire cutters (had ’em)
glue gun/glue sticks (had ’em)

To begin, start by tying the end of your twine to your wreath form and wrap the twine around the wreath for a space about 3″ long.  This is purely decorative. 

Next, arrange your 3 bouquets of fall foliage and begin snipping them off of the main branch with your wire cutters.  Arrange the new seperate pieces so that you have 2 equal bouquets (if you plan on making 2 wreaths…which I did because I have a double front door.)

Now begin adding the plastic foliage to your wreath just under the 3″ band of twine.  I used hot glue to keep the plants in place and then wrapped more twine around the base of each one- mostly because it looks cute but also to secure it in place.  

When you reach the end add another 3″ section of wrapped twine to finish it off.  You can stop here and have a perfectly lovely Autumnal Wreath to hang on your front door but I feel like it’s just too regular.  It needs something. 
In my case, that “something” almost always ends up being googley-eyes.  Or “guurely eyes” as my niece calls them.  
From the 5 pack of mini squashes I scooped at the dollar store, I grabbed a couple of ’em and gave them life.  I am not unlike the good Dr. Frankenstein in this way.  

Take your freshly googelied squashes and arrange them at the base of your fallin’ foliage until you are satisfied and hot glue them into place.  

**Note: my squashes are made of styrofoam which means they basically melt when the come in contact with hot glue.  Turn your glue gun to the lowest setting if you have that option or put the glue on the wreath first and allow it to cool for about 3-4 seconds before placing your squash so that it doesn’t turn into a puddle.**

And finally, add a twine hanger to the top of your wreath and hang with pride from your front door(s).  

Together these wreaths cost me less than $10 and they can be left up through Halloween and all the way through to Thanksgiving.  I hope you like them as much as I do. 
happy fall!