Winter Window Season

Winter window season is in full swing around these parts.  
Here are some of the Winter shenanigans going on in Somerville!

…over at Treeline:

And down at Petsi Pies:

And a quick Frosty at little Tayla’s house!

Off to paint more windows now.  Contact me if you’d like one of your own!

Halloween Window at Magpie Kids

Halloween window painting at Magpie Kids in Somerville, MA.

My little busy bee and her ladybug friend.

Buggy Bugs giving hugs in front of the photo backdrop I painted for the Halloween Party at Magpie Kids.

Photo cred: Allana of http://www.arsmagnastudio.com. 


The Snowman Family window painting

Winter window in the EU at Beth Israel:
a snowman family celebrating the upcoming Winter Solstice!

We’re celebrating the winter solstice in our house too 
because it’s our baby snowgirl’s first birthday on the 21st.

I can’t believe it’s already been a year and at the same time that it’s ONLY been a year.  What a whirlwind!  

Happy Birthday little snowgirl!  Mama loves you!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…CRAFTING!

It snowed the other morning.

For me that means it’s Christmas time.

So even though it only snowed for 3 minutes and it was mixed with rain and none of it stuck to the ground…it still snowed. And now it’s Christmas time!!!

More specifically, it’s Christmas CRAFTING time!!  Here are some of my favorite Christmas crafts from years past to keep you busy while I stretch out my glitter coating, wreath making, snowflake cutting muscles. It’s important to ease into these things lest you pull something and have to sit out the rest of the season.


I’d love to see any projects you make following my tutorials or any projects you’ve made on your own!  

Merry Christmas Crafting season!!

Putting the "Grill" in Grillo’s

Well, the end of August is here and Sam the Pickle Man knows what that means…it’s time to grill!!

Labor Day is the second most popular BBQ day in the United States coming in only slightly after the 4th of July in popularity.  (I made all that up.)  And it’s right around the corner!

It’s time for one last hurrah with your friends before the days get shorter and the nights turn chilly.  
Head over to Grillo’s Pickles in Inman Square in Somerville to get some pickles for your Labor Day BBQ and make sure to tell them Mandee sent you!

(Not because you’ll get a discount but because I want them to think I’m sooooooo cool.)
Happy Grilling!!

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all you lawn mowing, silly-face-making, BBQ grillin’, honey-can-you-fix-this Dads out there.  And especially to my wonderful husband who is celebrating his first of many Father’s Days with our little girl today.  You are an amazing father Sweetie, we are both so lucky to have you!!
And to my own Daddy who taught me how to throw a sucker punch, change a tire and shoot a gun, thanks for not treating me like some sissy girl.  Love you Daddy!!  Happy Father’s Day!!


Winter Fireplace Window Painting

This month’s window painting is special not only because it’s some magical fireplace burning out in the middle of a snow storm but also because it’s going to have to stay up for 3 months- a.k.a. the length of my maternity leave.  
My last day of work is on Wednesday and Baby Sadie is expected to come by January 1st!  Which should be plenty of time to disinfect my entire house top-to-bottom about 3 times before she gets here…this nesting thing is no joke.  

Let it snow!  Let it snow!  Let it snow!