Winter Window Season

Winter window season is in full swing around these parts.  
Here are some of the Winter shenanigans going on in Somerville!

…over at Treeline:

And down at Petsi Pies:

And a quick Frosty at little Tayla’s house!

Off to paint more windows now.  Contact me if you’d like one of your own!

Halloween Window at Magpie Kids

Halloween window painting at Magpie Kids in Somerville, MA.

My little busy bee and her ladybug friend.

Buggy Bugs giving hugs in front of the photo backdrop I painted for the Halloween Party at Magpie Kids.

Photo cred: Allana of http://www.arsmagnastudio.com. 


Toomey A Favor: Hand Painted Sign

My friend Danielle can’t draw.  I tell you this because, while she can’t physically draw anything herself, it doesn’t stop her from needing things drawn constantly.  Get Well signs, Birthday cards, kitchen placards…you name it.  And most of the time, when she needs one of these graduation/bar mitzvah/baby shower signs made she comes to me and says, “hey Mandee, do me a favor?” and after hearing that phrase over and over ad naseaum, she earned herself the nickname “Toomey a favor”.  (Her last name being, of course, Toomey…in case you didn’t get that.)
Her most recent request to “Toomey a Favor” was one of my favorite projects of the Summer so far.  Her family has a little lake house with a dock that needed replacing and when the old dock was torn up, Danielle, never one to miss out on a project, saved some of the weathered chunks of it and brought them to me.   And they are awesome!

They are perfect and raw and full of stories never told.  I wanted to keep the integrity of the wood but make it more weather-resistant so I whitewashed the front planks and secured them together with some twine to add to the just-off-the-boat, nautical look of it.   Then I painted a gigantic anchor on it, symbolizing the Toomey family’s anchoring down and establishing roots, their name & wedding date and I’m really happy with the results. 

Now I just need to figure out the perfect thing to paint on my section of the dock.  Maybe something in a giant serpent lady with wings and an American flag halter top?  You know, something classy.  Ideas welcomed.  


Sadie the Incredible Mermaid Girl: D.I.Y. Traveling Side Show Mermaid Baby Costume

This year was my baby girl’s first halloween as a dress-up-able-human and it was imperative that she have the perfect first Halloween costume.  I had originally had my heart set on her being the bearded lady in a side show but when she wouldn’t leave the beard on I decided to take advantage of the fact that she’s not walking yet and put her in some sort of a sack costume which also meant that I would need to decorate her stroller…which naturally led me to make her the Incredible Mermaid Girl in a traveling side show!

I created her stroller cover using foam core as the fish tank frame; blue fabric, glitter tulle & clear plastic Christmas ornaments for the water; and foam core for the signage & held it all together using a glue gun.  I attached the whole contraption to the stroller (a Britax B-agile) using Velcro Garland Tie and all that was missing was a fat little mermaid to go inside.

Enter one fat little mermaid.  

I have a tutorial on how to make the shell top for the costume here 
& the mermaid tail tutorial is in the works!  
I’d love to see pictures of your home-made Halloween costumes.  Happy Be-lated Halloween!!
Christmas here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird…it’s a plane…no!…it’s SUPER MIA!!!

A couple of weekends ago I did this super hero city on the wall of one of Cambridge’s Finest SuperHero-esses: Miss Mia the Magnificent!  Little Miss Mia is quite the superhero aficionado and loves playing dress up in her many costumes BUT until now she had no where to showcase her beautiful outfits.  That has all changed now thanks to this wonderful idea from her awesome Mom.  (Good job Mom!)

Now Mia has her very own city to save from peril including her own spotlight with her name in it and in the lower left building a capital “M” in lights to make it just a little more special.

Thanks for keeping our city safe from bad guys Mia.  The world is a better place with your cute little face in it.


Let’s go Red Sox! {clap clap} {CLAPCLAPCLAP}

Tonight is the first game of the 2013 World Series featuring some of my close personal friends…
From Left to Right: Stephen Drew, Will Middlebrooks, Jackie Bradley, Mike Napoli & David Ross

They stopped by Beth Israel (aka my real job) after the marathon bombings to say thanks, be awesome & check out my window.  Job well done. 

{clap clap} {CLAPCLAPCLAP!}

It’s here! It’s here! It’s FLUFF FEST!!

Today is Fluff Fest in Union Square and I am bursting at the seams with excitement!  If you have been anywhere near me for the last month or so I’ve probably already told you that I am the Official 2013 Fluff Festival Sign Painter!!  (A title I gave myself)  I’ve been working dilligantly for weeks now trying to get all 23 signs and 5 trophies done and I can’t wait to see them in action at the festival!

Fluff Fest was started in 2005 by Mimi Graney who is the Head Lady in Charge (also I title I created) over at Union Square Main Streets.  She is in charge of all things Union-Square from craft shows to farmer’s markets and everything in between.  This is the 8th year of the Fluff Fest and they are anticipated THOUSANDS of attendees!!

…Which means of course that THOUSANDS of people are going to see my signs!!!  I can’t wait.  It starts at 3pm and goes to 7:00 there are games and performances and a cooking contest and of course PRIZES!!

Maybe I’ll see you there.  I’ll be the one taking selfies with all of the signs. 🙂

Happy Fluff Fest!!!

You can see pictures of all of my little babies at my gallery page: mandeemade.shutterfly.com and you can learn more about Fluff Fest at the Union Square Main Streets website.