Super Mario Bros. the Cast

I had a small outpatient surgery last week to correct my DeQuervian Tenosynovitis.  When I woke up from surgery, I found a big cast on my arm.  It was unexpected but during the last week it’s turned into my favorite accessory.  I’ve had it hot pink, black, red, yellow, white with a “POW!” and now, my coup de grace, it’s Mario Brothers World 1-1.

The cast started out white and I covered it with Coflex which comes in a bunch of colors, I chose light blue and grass green.

Then I made the decals- tunnels, bricks, clouds, man eating tunnel flower- out of white fabric medical tape and started arranging them on my cast.

And now I have a cast that any 80’s baby could be proud of.

Save the Princess!!


I did a second Magnetic Mario painting this time starring everybody’s favorite little brother plumber, Luigi!

Same basic idea, same design, just a little cleaner and this one, like myself, is rootin’ for the underdog.

Another interesting thing about this painting is that it shipped off to Australia when it was done!  Woah.  First Oprah goes to the Land Down Under and now my painting?  Oprah!  We have so much in common!


Happy Birthday Mario!!

It’s the 25th Anniversary of the Mario Brothers video game!  Wow!  I remember playing my cousin Mikey’s Nintendo for the first time when I was about 5…crazy!!  

To celebrate, I gathered up all of my Mario themed items from the past.  Enjoy!
Magnetic Mario: Playable magnetized canvas painted like a scene from Mario Bros including a mushroom, flower, Mario and a Goomba.  Available here

 Magnet Detail:

Mario mural: Mario Bros mural painted on the FRONT DOOR of a customer’s apartment!  That’s dedication!!  More pictures here.


Mario Christmas Ornaments: A couple of Mario Bros themed Christmas Ornaments.  Custom ornaments available starting in November!  Order yours now!!

Happy Birthday Mario & Luigi!!  But your princess is in another castle!

Mario World 1-1 Interactive Painting

Sometimes in life, an idea just comes to you that makes you crack up and say, “man, someone should really do that.” That’s what this did to me. It’s an interactive painting of Mario Bros. World 1-1 played with magnets. It was more of a joke when I had the idea but then I thought, “wait, I should DO that!”

So i did.

And here it is:

The background of the canvas is painted with magnetic paint and the characters (in all their pixelated glory!) are painted on 1″x1″ magnets (purchased on Etsy). They can be moved wherever your little heart desires. Just don’t put them on the TV cause my friend Libby did that once when we were little and she got grounded for like, a week!

For sale here.


Super Mario Bros. 3

So fun!! A young couple living in the Piano Factory Lofts in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston asked me to paint their door to look like a scene shot from Mario 3!! Best idea ever!!

Here it is before and after:

It was so much fun to paint and everyone in the building kept stopping by and telling us their own Mario stories. It was a really fun day. Here’s Brook, the proud owner of a customized front door, helping me paint. She wanted to, I didn’t make her, honest!

And some close up shots of the final product!

**progress pictures here: www.kodakgallery.com/mandeepaints/main/mario_bros **