Dylan’s Fenway Park

This is the Fenway mural I did in Dylan’s room in Marshfield this weekend. 

 The scoreboard is painted with chalkboard paint and was left mostly blank (per Dylan’s request) so that he can fill in whatever game he wants or just write a loving note to his little sister to politely remind her to scram.  The ads on the jumotron were also personalized and include Spiderman and Darth Vader as a Lego character, two of Dylan’s favorite things and a little stick-figure-Dylan with his name under it is up there too. 


FINALLY!! It’s Christmas time!!!!!

 Here’s the Christmas window I painted yesterday. 

A very happy little buck with his little blue friend:

And this fuzzy little guy squirreling nuts away for winter.
 I know we have 2 days of November left but I just can’t risk loosing even one precious day of
 Christmas time.  It my absolute very favorite time of year!!!  
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got logs to yule and cider to mull!
Merry (early) Christmas!!!!

Happy Birthday Mario!!

It’s the 25th Anniversary of the Mario Brothers video game!  Wow!  I remember playing my cousin Mikey’s Nintendo for the first time when I was about 5…crazy!!  

To celebrate, I gathered up all of my Mario themed items from the past.  Enjoy!
Magnetic Mario: Playable magnetized canvas painted like a scene from Mario Bros including a mushroom, flower, Mario and a Goomba.  Available here

 Magnet Detail:

Mario mural: Mario Bros mural painted on the FRONT DOOR of a customer’s apartment!  That’s dedication!!  More pictures here.


Mario Christmas Ornaments: A couple of Mario Bros themed Christmas Ornaments.  Custom ornaments available starting in November!  Order yours now!!

Happy Birthday Mario & Luigi!!  But your princess is in another castle!

Avatar Mural for Amir

Jeanette, my hilariously fast-talking co-worker, has been telling me we’re going to paint her son’s room for about 3 years now.  There was never a theme, just the warning that someday, he’s going to need a mural.  Well, in true fast-talking, fast-moving, let’s-get-it-done-yesterday Jeanette fashion, she told me the idea on Tuesday and then quickly followed up with, “so, can we do this on Thursday?” 
No problem, except that “this” happens to be an Avatar mural and it’s going to be quite a challenge because as a rule, I wouldn’t be able to draw a person if my very life depended on it.  But, which is so often the case, I answered, “of course, let’s do it!”  I’m glad I did too because I think it came out awesome…

Oh, did I mention this is a surprise for 5-year-old Amir?!  He’s going to FREAK!!!


Thomas the Tank Engine mural

This headboard mural was painted for the mayor of cute-town in Delta, CO, Corey Bill, below.

Corey Bill and his Gramma love trains and their favorite, of course, is this guy here:

Here is Corey showing me the picture he wants on his wall. He is the cuuuutest ever!! Even when barking orders at me to let me know where the eyes go and where the #1 goes and where the wheels should be and to make more rocks and where the smile goes…so helpful.
More pictures here.


Julie’s Beach

Julie’s beach mural:

It’s about 10′ long and 8’high…basically life sized.  
Here I am painting it to give you an idea. 
What I love most about this is that Julie is still renting.  So even though this mural is only going to live for a year, she’s going to enjoy it now instead of waiting until she buys a house or has a baby or whatever else.  
(I also love imagining her landlord’s face when he finds out about it!) 

My first commercial mural

So, this is pretty exciting: I was hired by a local record store to paint their new logo on the wall of their flagship store in Boston. The company is called UndergroundHipHop.com (or UGHH.com) and their brick-and-mortor location is on the corner of Mass. Ave. & Huntington Ave.

Go check ’em out, they have a warehouse full of stuff you need- records, cd’s, a huge clothing selection, awesome toys from company’s like kidrobot, Fifty 24SF & Bigshot Toyworks, graffitti supplies, and a slew of other stuff you didn’t know you needed.

But I digress…

Here are some progress shots as well as a picture of their new sticker/logo:

If you can’t get over there to check it out in person you can check out the rest of the pictures here. The guys are all really nice. Be sure to tell ’em Mandee sent you!


And Matilda was her name-o!

She’s here! She’s here!! Baby Girl Rubin has come in to the world and her name is:
No, it’s not John Hancock…..it’s Matilda Zoey Rubin.

I love it! She was born bright and early as babies tend to be; both Mom and baby are doing well. I was supplied a key to get in and paint her name while the family rests and gets ready for the big homecoming. No-one was happier about that than Beckett, the family dog. (Yes, Beckett, like the pitcher, these are some serious fans!)

Here are some more shots of the Jumbotron & Matilda’s custom jersey:

Congratulations guys!! Can’t wait to meet the little lady!!