Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird…it’s a plane…no!…it’s SUPER MIA!!!

A couple of weekends ago I did this super hero city on the wall of one of Cambridge’s Finest SuperHero-esses: Miss Mia the Magnificent!  Little Miss Mia is quite the superhero aficionado and loves playing dress up in her many costumes BUT until now she had no where to showcase her beautiful outfits.  That has all changed now thanks to this wonderful idea from her awesome Mom.  (Good job Mom!)

Now Mia has her very own city to save from peril including her own spotlight with her name in it and in the lower left building a capital “M” in lights to make it just a little more special.

Thanks for keeping our city safe from bad guys Mia.  The world is a better place with your cute little face in it.


Sophie’s Safari

24″x36″ wall size custom canvas painting for Sophie.
Including her name, date-of-birth and her favorite little Caterpillar.

I’m always accepting commissions for custom artwork and quotes are always free.

CONTACT ME if you have any questions or want a painting of your own!

Safari Painting for Baby Ryan

This huge 36″ x 24″ painting was done for Ryan whose Mom wanted a bright, colorful, happy Safari scene.  Ryan’s walls are painted a neutral color so the sides of this painting were done in alternating dark and light green stripes to really make it stand off the wall.  The happy characters are intentionally kept very simple to keep the painting from being overwhelming to baby.  
Ryan’s date-of-birth was snuck into the painting on a leaf in the zebra’s mouth and Ryan’s loving Mother is represented by the giraffe who’s giving her son’s name a good snuggle.  

From rough sketch to final product:

 This painting was designed to grow with Baby Ryan- being young enough to be appropriate for a nursery and also bright enough to be able to transition easily into a toddler’s room.  Email me if you’d like a painting made for your little one or if you have questions about price, sizing or anything else.  All questions are welcome.   


Rockin’ Out for Shelby

I painted these colorful rocks to my lil’ cousin Shelby’s 2nd birthday last weekend.  They’re a great way to teach kiddos to spell their name which, coincidentally, is every child’s favorite word.  These rocks were a huge hit with the grown ups but Shelby had her eye on something else…
My nephew Pete made Shelby a pet rock and blew my silly little alphabet rocks out of the water.  

I was trumped by googly eyes.  I shoulda seen it coming.
To make them we used acrylic paint on smooth river rocks and sealed them with a high shine acrylic sealer.  You can make your own or contact me and I’ll make some for you & you can just take credit for them.  It’s a win/win.     


The Name Frame Game

It’s not really a game, it just rhymed so I went with it.  Sorry I mislead you but as long as I have you here, look!

These frames- for cheerleading sisters Faith & Lylah- have been shipped off and by now should be wrapped and waiting patiently under the tree for Christmas morning. Which is more than I can say for myself because I can’t wait for the girls to see them.  Their Nonnie (aka Gramma) assured me that Faith & Layla are going to LOVE their frames and now, though I’ve never even met them, I am so excited for them to open their gifts!

It’s not weird if I invite myself over Christmas morning to watch them unwrap them, is it?  I’ll only stay for a little bit.  Just until my french toast is gone.  Maybe they’ll do a cheer with my name in it!!  Oh man, this is going to be the best Christmas EVER!!


E is for Ella

Ella’s Mom just re-did her room for her and ordered these letters to complete the transformation.  Her room is now a bright mint green with a coordinating green and pink bedspread and I’m told these letters look great hung on her wall.
Each letter is painted on a big ol’ 10″x10″ square canvas which means that when it’s hung on the wall 2″ apart, this piece takes up a full four feet of wall space.  This type of painting is an excellent option for renters who can’t paint their walls but are looking for a big piece of artwork for a focal wall.  They take up a lot of space without being too busy.  
As always, special requests like this are welcome and encouraged.  Email me if you have questions or for pricing info.  Makes a great Christmas present!