We did it! We did it!!

                                                                                    painting (c) Scott Murry
Last night was a SMASH success!!!  We packed the Cantina Mexicana to the rafters, sold some art,  killed some tacos and even enjoyed some jalapeno margaritas (Marga-penos?)!  All in all, it was an amazing night!  Thanks to everyone who braved the rain and came out to celebrate our nation’s greatest food holiday. 
The tacos will be hanging at the Cantina through Sunday, Oct. 9th.  Go check ’em out!
National Deviled Egg Day is November 2nd….start the countdown!
photo credit BazBiz
UPDATE!: Bazaar Bizarre has some pictures and nice words about the event on their website!  Thanks BazBiz!

Taco Tuesday: Taco the Blog

Oh my God! Me too!

Come Celebrate
International National Taco Day of America
Union Square, Somerville, MA
on October 4th @ 6:00pm
(that’s in 21 DAYS!!!)
15 Local Somerville Artists highly skilled in the Taco Arts
will be showcasing various forms of taco art including,
but not limited to:
some crocheted taco goods
and even a dog named Taco!!
(you heard me)
And if all that’s not enough for you,
The Cantina will also be featuring
(cue the confetti)
a fabulous Margarita special!
Bring the kids, have some dinner, enjoy some art and have a laugh.
See you there!

Chewbacca has a Taco.

By now you I should think you are all well aware that my favorite and our nation’s most overlooked holiday, International National Taco Day of America is coming up in TWENTY SIX days!  Holy sweet baby Jesus that’s soon!

What you may not be aware of however is that N.T.D. is also Chewbacca’s favorite holiday.  Me and Chewy have so much in common.
  PAUL FRIEDRICH Don't be an A--hole, Chewbacca has a Taco 5x7
This print was penned, printed and posted by Paul Friedrich who runs an Etsy shop called, appropriately, I Love Paul.  Paul is also the creater of the NHL’s only official cartoon, Cup of Awesome with Stormy the Pig.

If that doesn’t make you chuckle then you have a heart of stone. 


How’s your taco?

My friend Mike asked me about my husband’s taco the other day.  I found this question totally offensive for reasons I can’t even consider explaining.  The confusion must have shown on my face because then he said, “…you know…his taco…that’s what Tacoma people call their trucks…tacos.”


I’ve basically been riding around in the Mexican food equivilant of the Weiner Mobile and didn’t even know it.  Thank you Mike for enlightening me.  You’ve changed my entire life for the better.

Also- 33 days now:

I have something magically taco related in the works!  I’ll keep you posted.