Why Don’t You Make Me: Frosty the SHATTERPROOF Snowglobe

Last week I was home in ‘Rado for First Christmas (because you should always have at least 2 Christmases) and got to have a craft day with my 4-year-old niece, who by coincidence just happens to be the coolest 4-year-old ever, Tabitha.  One of the projects we made was this Frosty the Snowman snowglobe. 
Since this was going to be Tabitha’s very own special (“it’s just my perfect size!” in her words) snowglobe I thought it should be a little more kid friendly than the original snowglobes so instead of an old glass jar we used a plastic peanut butter jar.  (Sister didn’t have an empty peanut butter jar lying around so we emptied the peanut butter that was in this jar into a Rubbermaid container and now it looks like she makes her own peanut butter.  “Oh this?  Ya, I make my own, so much healthier.”  So, we both win!)

For this project you will need:

  • a pre-schooler
  • an empty peanut butter jar (plastic)
  • a non-metal character of your choosing (ours is glass)
  • Glitter
  • distilled water
  • glycerin
  • modeling clay
  • glue gun (do I really need to list that every time?)
Begin by adding a generous dollop of hot glue (about the size of a silver dollar) to the inside of your washed and dryed lid to adhere the modeling clay to. 
Then squish modeling clay into the entire surface of the inside of the lid.  Little fingers come in very handy for this.  The clay should be about 1/2″ thick.
Now, press your character into the modeling clay.  Make sure to secure it in there pretty good, cover the feet up with some extra clay and then pose for a picture with it.
Oh what the heck, pose for 2 pictures with it- it’s Christmas after all!
Now it’s time to prepare your globe.  Fill your jar almost to the top with distilled water (it has to be distilled or it’ll be cloudy) and 1tsp of Glycerin.  (More detailed instructions here.) 
Then put the jar in a big bowl and let your pre-schooler add enough Glitter to choke a reindeer. 
**The bowl is just to catch all of the extra Glitter that is sure to go everywhere if you hand a jar of Glitter to a 4-year-old.**  Case in point.

(For the record, this is how much Glitter it takes to choke a reindeer.)
Now, screw on your lid.  This should be a little tough because some of the modeling clay will get into the threads of the jar.  That is a good thing because it helps to seal the lid onto the jar.  That is a bad thing because I have weak little noodle arms and almost had to ask for help to get my lid on.
**TIP: if you’re using an ornament like we did, be sure to remove the metal top because it will rust.  We also filled Frosty with water before submerging him so that there wouldn’t be extra air bubbles in our snowglobe.**
Next add a line of hot glue around the base of the lid and stick some garland to it. 

And you’re done! 
Now run up to your room and find the perfect place for it.  Tabitha did.  Then she immediately took it down, shook it up and Tim Tebow’d it across her room somehow.  I’m happy to report that Frosty passed this little quality control test with flying colors.  Toddler proof and proud!!

These snowglobes make wonderful last-minute gifts.  They’re super quick, inexpensive and made by hand so they’re extra special too.  Merry Christmas and happy crafting!

~mandee rae

Window Painting & the Scientific Method

New Christmas window I painted in Peabody, MA this morning.
Window painting is a cheap & easy way to decorate your house for Christmas without getting tangled up in extension cords or getting pine needles everywhere.  Plus it’s scientifically proven to provide you with 85% more “ooooo’s” and “aaaaaaah’s” than just decorating alone. 
Here, I’ll show you-
An average comment before window painting:
“that house looks nice.”

and an average comment after window painting:
“oh my sweet baby Jesus look at that house!!  it’s incredible!!  it’s so festive and beautiful and…oh my stars is that GLITTER on his nose?!?!”
See?  At least 85% more freak out every time!  It’s science. 
This window was contracted by Karyn McGovern who is a fellow crafter & Glitter enthusiast.  She made this uh-dorable Grinch bow below and sells them on her website RhinestoneObsessions.  Super the cutest.

Happy Friday!!


Christmas ALREADY???

If you’re like me, when you see Halloween decorations for sale in July or Christmas decorations come out in August, you skip angry and go straight to irate.  I mean, my sweet Summertime pedicure hasn’t even worn off yet and I have to start thinking about my Halloween costume?  Geesh!

I was complaining about this very topic when the husband said to me, “Christmas isn’t that far away, I already started shopping.”  Mind= blown.  Wow, I thought, maybe he’s right.  (NEVER tell him I said that!!)

So, in an effort to actually be prepared and not frantic-running-around-like-a-mad-woman come mid-December, I’ve decided to jump on the preparedness bandwagon and start making Christmas ornaments early this year, like the one above.  More pictures here and here.

Here are some of my favorites from last year, below:

Email me with your ornament requests this year and I’ll get them started. 

Merry Christmas?

The Ornament Factory

I have been a veritable ornament factory this year!  I started receiving orders for them in mid-November and started painting them at the same time.  I’m happy to report that as of midnight last night I finished my final ornament of the season and it was picked up this morning!   
Here are a few of them:
Now all there’s left to do is put out cookies and wait for Santa!!
Merry Christmas!!!

Crazy Cat Lady

I don’t know how it happened but somewhere along the way I went from a very strict dogs-only, no cats allowed!, dog-person to a total cat/dog-person hybrid!! 
It was my fiance’s super awesome tabby cat, Remus, (seen above) that did it to me.  I was totally afraid of cats and thought they were weird and tempermental when I met Remus and then his silly little head butts and loving leg rubs totally won me over!  He even helped me overcome my allergy to cats! 
Now, I not only love cats and chase my own around taking their picture all the time but I have taken up painting them too!  Cats can be just as expressive as dogs and are pretty hilarious, believe it or not.  
Above is Charlie who looooves his housemate Jasper so so much. 
Jasper does not, however, share Charlie’s enthusiasm.

More cat paintings for sale in my Etsy shop
Or contact me to have your own kitty (or dog!) painted!! 
Makes a wonderful Christmas present!

Happy Birthday Mario!!

It’s the 25th Anniversary of the Mario Brothers video game!  Wow!  I remember playing my cousin Mikey’s Nintendo for the first time when I was about 5…crazy!!  

To celebrate, I gathered up all of my Mario themed items from the past.  Enjoy!
Magnetic Mario: Playable magnetized canvas painted like a scene from Mario Bros including a mushroom, flower, Mario and a Goomba.  Available here

 Magnet Detail:

Mario mural: Mario Bros mural painted on the FRONT DOOR of a customer’s apartment!  That’s dedication!!  More pictures here.


Mario Christmas Ornaments: A couple of Mario Bros themed Christmas Ornaments.  Custom ornaments available starting in November!  Order yours now!!

Happy Birthday Mario & Luigi!!  But your princess is in another castle!