Liz’s AMAZING Half-Jewish Ugly Christmas Sweater!

What do you do when you’re both half-Jewish and you’re invited to your friend’s ugly Christmas sweater party?

Well, if you’re Liz, you go halfsies on a sweater with your best Dude and make an incredible half-Hannukah/half-Christmas sweater that is so amazing that you just can’t help but stare at it and keep saying, “oh my God, it’s a full menorah when you’re side-by-side!  I can’t believe it!”   Well played Rosenberg, well played.

Happy Hannukah/Christmas everyone!

Getting Ready for Sadie: the Bedding

Getting the nursery ready for our upcoming bundle of squish has been really fun.  It’s still weird to think that I’m going to be the Mom and that this is all for my own daughter but as our due date approaches (Jan. 1st!) it’s becoming more and more real. 
Part of it feeling more real is that my Mom completed the crib set that she made for us for the baby shower and it came out cuter than I could have ever imagined!  We got the fabric from my friend Aurora’s store, Fabric Bliss, which is located in Denver but they have a very easy-to-navigate online shopping feature.  I emailed Aurora and told her that I was looking for something “dainty but not girly, that coordinates but doesn’t match, has a vintage feel and it can’t be pink!”  Immediately she wrote back and suggested the Seaside collection from October Afternoon.  

And it’s beyond perfect!!

All of the fabrics coordinate with each other but don’t necessarily “match”, the prints are dainty enough for a baby girl but not drowned in pink-on-pink and they have an adorably vintage feel that goes perfectly with the vintage feel we are going for in the nursery.  

My Mom also made this precious mermaid-tailed receiving blanket (her own design) and I can’t get enough of it!  Thanks Mom!!  You’re the greatest!


Kids Crafts: My Pet Rock

This is a fun and easy project to entertain kids on a hot Summer’s day and, depending on the supplies you have on hand, it could even be free.  
For this project you’ll need:
  • some rocks
  • spray primer (optional)
  • acrylic paint
  • googley eyes (never optional)
  • a couple of kid-friendly paintbrushes
  • tacky glue
  • some chil’ren

Start out by collecting some rocks.  
This comes as naturally as breathing to my 5-year-old niece so luckily after a day of adventurin’ I already had a pocketful of rocks to start with.  If you can’t find any “good” rocks, you can always buy some at a craft store.  
Next, using a spray primer lightly coat both sides of the rocks. 

This helps the paint to adhere to the rock’s surface and allows bright colors to show up better on darker colored rocks. 
Once the primer is dry (about a 1/2 hour on each side) put some aprons on some kids (some that you know preferrably), put out some paint and let them get creative.  

Encourage the kids to paint monsters with big mouths, stripes, polka dots, animals they like, flowers…anything that gets their imaginations going.  

If there are globs of paint on a rock, the googley eyes may be able to stick right to it.  If not just glue ’em on.

Acrylic paint is non-toxic and washable before it’s dry.    

And now, if your little people really love you, they might just give you one of the rocks they just painted.  I was lucky enough to have this rock gifted to me.  “She’s a girl on this side and a boy on the other”….obviously.


Tufa Pots by Jennifer!

My very talented friend and gardener, Jennifer McCabe, recently started a blog (follow her here) and just announced that she’ll be selling her handmade Hypertufa Pots at Scrub Oak in Nantucket starting June 10th.

Hypertufa pots are lightweight pots made of a cement & peat moss mixture.  They’re durable like cement, lightweight like a regular pot and make beautiful additions to gardens, porches or table displays.  Jennifer’s Tufa pots are all one of a kind, shaped by hand and cured to withstand the elements.   You can also learn to make your own tufa pots from Jennifer herself during workshops she’s leading at the Nantucket Garden Festival, July 25th & 26th.  Contact Jennifer for more information or to sign up for a class.


Day 2: Recycled Crafts for Kids

Teaching kids at a young age what it means to reduce-reuse-and-recycle is always something taught in school but to really drive the point home, it’s important to incorporate those things into real life.  Here are a couple of great crafts to do with kids to show them ways to recycle bottles into something fun and  useful.  

Ages 9+: Ashley over at Make-It-&-Love-It made this awesome cell phone caddy out of a lotion bottle.  This craft would be great for older kids, especially those just getting their first cell phones or iPods.

Ages 5+: This awesome bowling set made by CreativeDish would be perfect for kids old enough to wield a glue gun and is a great way to keep 10 bottles out of a landfill!

Ages2+: And finally, check out this “lava lamp” made by Rainbows & Unicorns (great name by the way!) made with a plastic bottle, oil, water, food coloring and complete with sea creatures!  This is a wonderful project for little ones- also consider throwing in some glitter or sequins!

Happy Friday!!!


National Sweater Day is so yesterday.

Man-o-man do Canadians have their shit together.  They have a day dedicated to wearing sweaters to try to encourage people to turn their heat down a little.  Brilliant!!  And their video to promote it is hilarious to boot.
National Sweater Day is February 9th…also known as yesterday.  So, I missed it by a day but still thought I’d share because it’s a wonderful idea for a wonderful cause and it’s reminded me that maybe I should turn down the thermastat a little too.  Thanks Canada!

Our Super 8 Wedding

My husband and I just passed the 8-month mark on gettin’ hitched.  Ya us!  Now the only thing we talk about is saving for a house and buying a house and what kind of house to buy and what houses go for in this neighborhood and maybe we should build a house…notice a theme?

So it was a much needed breath of fresh air to receive this video of our wedding as a gift from our friend Chad last week.  Chad lives in NYC and currently works as an assistant editor for the TV show “Parking Wars”.  (He also works on Dog: Bounty Hunter- a fact a find hilariously awesome.)  He’s a husband, a cat lover, an avid D.I.Y.er & an incredibly genuine human being who made this f*#@ing amazing video for us in his “spare” time.  (Oh, and he skates, you can see him shred (and fall down a little) in some of his other videos.)

It was so special to receive this little 2 minute reminder of why we got married in the first place.  It immediately took us back to our wedding day.  So now, when I want to strangle my sweet sweet husband for making me talk about mortgages, I’ll just take a break, watch this video and hold off for tomorrow.

Thanks Chad! ❤ ❤

*Here’s the direct link to the video in case that doesn’t play: http://vimeo.com/35004644*


Happy Year of the Fat Dragon Baby

My friend Kristen (of such internet notoriety as Kristen the Christmas Diorama & Kristen and the Wedding Tchotchkis) made a dragon costume (and flame on a stick! what!) for her friends very “healthy” (read: chunky muffin) baby and then convinced her co-workers to pose for this picture just so that she could wish all of us a very
Happy & Healthy Chinese New Year!
(And also because dressing babies up as animals is awesome.)  Thanks Kristen!