TODAY is Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, part of R.A.K. Week that goes through Sunday of this week.  The idea is for everyone to do one nice thing for another person and start a tidal wave of kindness that become contagious until people stop being huge jerks to each other.**  It’s also a great excuse to just be nice for the day.   
(**Those may not be their exact words.)
Here are some ideas for your random act of kindness:
  • give a stranger a compliment
  • do the dishes for your spouse
  • let that car merge ahead of you
  • smile at a stranger
  • forgive someone
  • call a friend you know is going through a rough patch
It doesn’t take much to make someone feel special and to change the whole course of their day.  Try it out, it’ll probably put a smile on your face also.   


Gather Here: Don’t mind if I do

In honor of Random Acts of Kindness week I thought I’d share this quick story.  Not long ago I got an envelope in the mail from Gather Here– a super wicked crazy adorable sewing store & craft studio in Inman Square.  Inside there was a gift card for $25- awesome!- but it didn’t say who it was from.  
“Hmmmmm, I wonder who this is from”, I thought naturally. 
I asked Jeremy, called Liz, yelled down to Olivia, emailed my Sister, e-buggled Kristen and it wasn’t from any of them.  That’s when I had to seriously sit down and take inventory of my friends that a) are crafty and b) would have my address on hand and that’s when it hit me, “ooooooh, it was AMY!”
It was so wonderful to get a random gift in the mail and the fact that it came unsigned turned it into an impromto treasure hunt which was awesome.  I made it over to Gather Here just the other day and here are the fabrics I came home with: 
I’m told they lovingly refer to the green fabric as the “q-tip fabric”….oh ya, I see it now.
  ❤ thanks Amy Beth!! ❤