Fluffernutter, party of two.

If you’ve never had a fluffernutter than this window painting might make no sense to you but I’ll take my chances because here in New England the very mention of Fluff -made right here in Everett, MA- sparks childhood memories that people can’t help but share…whether you like it or not. 
Being from the West Coast I had never heard of a Fluff, let alone a Fluffernutter, until I moved to Boston about 10 years ago.  You’d have thought I’d told people I had never heard of shoes the way they would look at me when I didn’t know what a “fluffernutter” was.  They were outraged at my Fluff-less childhood.

And now I know why!  Fluff and peanut butter were made to be together.  They’re the yin and yang of sandwich components.  And so versatile!  You can have a Fluffernutter for lunch, eat one as a snack or even have one for dessert.  Can balogna and cheese do that?

If you’ve never had a Fluffernutter go make one right now.  They’re delicious.  And if you can’t buy Fluff (not Kraft Marshmallow Cream, mind you, there’s a difference) in your ‘hood then use this handy Fluff-Finder feature to hunt down the closest seller.  And if that doesn’t work, you can get a case delivered right to your door.  May your children never have to go Fluffernutter-less.

For more Fluff related goodness, go to the Union Square Main Street website and check out pictures from their annual ‘What the Fluff?” festival.

Photo credit Jabulani Barber

25 Cent Word!: Anthropomorphic

I learned a new word- anthropomorphicsuggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things, please be prepared for me to throw it around all the time now.  I feel like I just found out about jeans or something.  Like the entire world new there was a word for creepy smilinging vegetalbes, little girls with apple heads and hot dogs with faces happily grilling themselves except me.  It wasn’t until I was using every single adjective in my vocabulary AND both hands trying to describe “those creepy teapots with faces…from the 50’s…shaped like apples…you know?” that my sister-in-law said, “you mean like an anthropomorphic teapot?” 

Gah!  There’s a word for that???  Amazing.

Now would be a great time to check out my brand new Anthropomorphic Label!


The Name Frame Game

It’s not really a game, it just rhymed so I went with it.  Sorry I mislead you but as long as I have you here, look!

These frames- for cheerleading sisters Faith & Lylah- have been shipped off and by now should be wrapped and waiting patiently under the tree for Christmas morning. Which is more than I can say for myself because I can’t wait for the girls to see them.  Their Nonnie (aka Gramma) assured me that Faith & Layla are going to LOVE their frames and now, though I’ve never even met them, I am so excited for them to open their gifts!

It’s not weird if I invite myself over Christmas morning to watch them unwrap them, is it?  I’ll only stay for a little bit.  Just until my french toast is gone.  Maybe they’ll do a cheer with my name in it!!  Oh man, this is going to be the best Christmas EVER!!


National Candy Corn Day of the Day!

I made this candy corn monster on my LiteBrite (leftover from my weddin’) to celebrate today’s holiday, which as I’m sure you’re all aware, is National Candy Corn Day.

Personally I don’t really like candy corn anymore but childhood me used to house them by the bag.  I used to eat them white-to-yellow, eating the white and orange first and then saving 2 yellows to stick together and make one big yellow piece.  Why I did that I’m not sure but it’s a clear childhood memory that comes back to me every Halloween.  
For more National Candy Day revelry here’s a clip from Unwrapped about how Candy Corn is made:
And also, as long as we’re here, a how-to video on making adorable candy corn nails!

We did it! We did it!!

                                                                                    painting (c) Scott Murry
Last night was a SMASH success!!!  We packed the Cantina Mexicana to the rafters, sold some art,  killed some tacos and even enjoyed some jalapeno margaritas (Marga-penos?)!  All in all, it was an amazing night!  Thanks to everyone who braved the rain and came out to celebrate our nation’s greatest food holiday. 
The tacos will be hanging at the Cantina through Sunday, Oct. 9th.  Go check ’em out!
National Deviled Egg Day is November 2nd….start the countdown!
photo credit BazBiz
UPDATE!: Bazaar Bizarre has some pictures and nice words about the event on their website!  Thanks BazBiz!