TODAY is Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, part of R.A.K. Week that goes through Sunday of this week.  The idea is for everyone to do one nice thing for another person and start a tidal wave of kindness that become contagious until people stop being huge jerks to each other.**  It’s also a great excuse to just be nice for the day.   
(**Those may not be their exact words.)
Here are some ideas for your random act of kindness:
  • give a stranger a compliment
  • do the dishes for your spouse
  • let that car merge ahead of you
  • smile at a stranger
  • forgive someone
  • call a friend you know is going through a rough patch
It doesn’t take much to make someone feel special and to change the whole course of their day.  Try it out, it’ll probably put a smile on your face also.   


Random Acts of Kindness Day

Tomorrow, February 17, 2012 is Random Acts of Kindness Day.
Part of Random Acts of Kindness Week that started Feb. 13 and goes through the 19th. 

Here is a list of kindness ideas for tomorrow from the Random Acts of Kindness website:

  • smile at a stranger
  • hold the door open for someone
  • send a care package
  • send a thank you note
  • give a care package to a homeless person
  • introduce yourself to a new person
  • be nice to someone you dislike
  • give someone a compliment
The list goes on and on.  It’s so easy to do something nice and it doesn’t have to be big.  What are you going to do for RAK Day tomorrow?

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank You for your Outrage.

When I’m mad I’m not looking for sympathy, I don’t need the sage advice of an elder and I certainly don’t want to hear the voice of reason.
What I need is for my friends to be outraged at the incredible injustice that I’ve had to face. I need them to fly off the handle if I’ve had to wait too long to get coffee. I want a table flipped if my boss wouldn’t give me the day off. I want promises of hell fire any time I’ve been even the tiniest bit inconvenienced.  This is how I will know you’re my friend.
And then I want to say thank you. Thank you for your outrage.
4×4″ alternating grey on grey striped speech bubble painting with hot orange outline available on my “other” Etsy shop.

I Love Fabric Bliss!

 Long overdue thank you “card” painting made for Aurora,
head crafty lady and Owner of Fabric Bliss in Denver, CO.

 Not only is Aurora a super duper double crafty lady, business owner, cat lover and hockey playing bad ass, she is also the most thoughtful and talented girl in the Northern 48 States.

 When I approached Aurora with the idea of making bow ties for my wedding in May she not only shared my enthusiasm for the project but took it to a whole ‘nother level with multiple emails on color selection and fabric choices and she even sent me an entire Excel spread sheet dedicated to the topic.  Amazing!

And the results were spectacular:

The boys all loved their bow ties, even if they needed youtube to teach them how to tie them, and it added such a special, personal touch to our wedding day.

Thank you SO much Aurora!  Love you!!


Please, have a kidney…really.

                                                                                                            *Acrylic paint on 5″x7″ mini gallery wrapped canvas.

I painted this ‘thank you card’ for our good friend and wedding photographer Meredith Mascola

After everything she and her assistant photographer/husband did for us before, during and after our recent wedding, just sending a thank you card would have been an insult.  Hopefully this better captures how grateful we are for everything they did for us. 

We love you guys!!!


Lace Stencil Tutorial

 As promised, here is the lace stencil tutorial from a painting I made last week.  It’s a super easy way to make it look like you really put a lot of time into a project without having to, ya know, really put a lot of time into a project.

Step 1:
To begin this project, gather your supplies:

– I used another painting I had started that was turning out rather lackluster and needed some Umf!  You could also use a blank canvas, some old wood, a frame that needs a makeover, your shoes, anything really.
– a piece of lace
-some spray paint
-a well ventilated work area

 The rest of this tutorial is after the jump:

Step 2:
Cover lackluster painting with the piece of lace.

Step 3: 
Fold piece around painting like you’re wrapping a present.

Tape ends down…this doesn’t have to be pretty but make sure the lace is pulled taut so that it stays put.

Step 4:
Look at what a great job you did covering the canvas in lace.

Consider leaving it just how it is cause it’s actually kinda cute but then come to your senses and move on to Step 5.

Step 5:
Lightly spray paint the entire thing a delicious shade of Sun Yellow!

It doesn’t really have to be yellow.  Just try to pick a color that will stand out against the lackluster painting you didn’t really like in the first place.

Allow the paint to dry for at least 30 minutes.

 Step 6:
Take off the lace and Viola!!  Precious!

Step 7:
Finish up whatever painting it is that you’re doing.

For me, it meant painting over some of the most detialed parts of the lace design but I knew it was for a good cause so I did it.

I painted my bubble to say, “Is This Appropriate?” which can be explained in a previous post.

And you’re done!!  
Now give the painting to your friend and revel in the Ooo’s and 
Ahhh’s as they’re bound to be so impressed with your craftiness!!