25 Cent Word!: Anthropomorphic

I learned a new word- anthropomorphicsuggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things, please be prepared for me to throw it around all the time now.  I feel like I just found out about jeans or something.  Like the entire world new there was a word for creepy smilinging vegetalbes, little girls with apple heads and hot dogs with faces happily grilling themselves except me.  It wasn’t until I was using every single adjective in my vocabulary AND both hands trying to describe “those creepy teapots with faces…from the 50’s…shaped like apples…you know?” that my sister-in-law said, “you mean like an anthropomorphic teapot?” 

Gah!  There’s a word for that???  Amazing.

Now would be a great time to check out my brand new Anthropomorphic Label!


the devil you say!

National Deviled Egg Day is here again and I’ll tell you what, it just sneaks up on me every year.  I mean, you hardly get past National Brandied Fruit Day and BAM- National Deviled Egg Day is here.  It’s so hard to keep up!

Because of my lack of preparedness for this holiday I turned, as I often do, to Etsy and I was eggs-cited  to find eight pages of deviled egg related items in my search.  Eggs-cellent!
Here’s a yolk for ya:
Q: What did the wicked chicken lay?     
A: Deviled Eggs!


A New Distraction

I made my first Treasury on Etsy yesterday.  I always wondered what all the fuss was about but It’s actually harder than it looks.  It’s not unlike arranging the perfect bookshelf.  You need just the right objects, in the right colors that coordinate but don’t match and just the right pop of color.  I won’t tell you how much time I wasted on this but let’s just say I could have watched about 3 episodes of Lost in the time it took.

I can see this is going to be a problem.