Lord of the Window Painting

 For March’s window I painted traditional Irish Step Dancers on the window in the EU.  Well, the important half of Irish Step Dancers anyway- the dance-around-all-fast-and-high-kick part.  Step dancing, according to Wikipedia, is “Irish dancing, popularised in 1994 by the world-famous show Riverdance, is notable for its rapid leg and foot movements, body and arms being kept largely stationary.”

Now, I’ve never actually tried Irish Step Dancing myself nor have I so much as attended an Irish Step Dancing show.   That being said, my connection to step dancing runs deep.   Deeper than the River Shannon herself, some say.  You see, I am featured four times in the Harvard College Irish Step Dancers promotional youtube video from March 2011.  
I know, I know, it’s impressive but somehow I’ve managed to not let the fame get to me. 

You can see my work below at seconds:
39, 1:11, 1:20 & 1:29
-at 1:11 my delivery of the word ‘egg’ still makes me emotional to this day.  

Visit the Harvard College Irish Step Dancers facebook page for show information and more videos.  


National Sweater Day is so yesterday.

Man-o-man do Canadians have their shit together.  They have a day dedicated to wearing sweaters to try to encourage people to turn their heat down a little.  Brilliant!!  And their video to promote it is hilarious to boot.
National Sweater Day is February 9th…also known as yesterday.  So, I missed it by a day but still thought I’d share because it’s a wonderful idea for a wonderful cause and it’s reminded me that maybe I should turn down the thermastat a little too.  Thanks Canada!

Shape Up With Pickles WEEK!!!

Jumpin’ Jesus on a pogo stick!  It’s ‘Shape Up With Pickles Week!’  An entire week devoted to pickles!!!…aaaaaaand shaping up with them, whatever that means.

Here’re some pickley treasures from the Etsy-Dot-Com Super Store:

And a print of Miss Pickles by this dude JimBob…..awwwww, hewwo Miss Pickles.
 Miss Pickles print - 'The Original'
I’ll be back when I have something relevant and pickle related to talk about.  Please do the same.