Winter Window Season

Winter window season is in full swing around these parts.  
Here are some of the Winter shenanigans going on in Somerville!

…over at Treeline:

And down at Petsi Pies:

And a quick Frosty at little Tayla’s house!

Off to paint more windows now.  Contact me if you’d like one of your own!

Halloween Window at Magpie Kids

Halloween window painting at Magpie Kids in Somerville, MA.

My little busy bee and her ladybug friend.

Buggy Bugs giving hugs in front of the photo backdrop I painted for the Halloween Party at Magpie Kids.

Photo cred: Allana of http://www.arsmagnastudio.com. 


The Snowman Family window painting

Winter window in the EU at Beth Israel:
a snowman family celebrating the upcoming Winter Solstice!

We’re celebrating the winter solstice in our house too 
because it’s our baby snowgirl’s first birthday on the 21st.

I can’t believe it’s already been a year and at the same time that it’s ONLY been a year.  What a whirlwind!  

Happy Birthday little snowgirl!  Mama loves you!!

First Christmas Window of the Season: Monkey Claus & the Missus

I did my first Christmas window of the Season yesterday at Two Little Monkeys in Union Square, Somerville, MA!!  

 The store is at the intersection of Somerville Ave & Bow Street.  Go check it out in person and get all Christmas-y.
Here’s a link to the Christmas countdown clock in case you need to check it every 3-4 minutes like I do:
36 days ’til Santa comes!!!

Let’s go Red Sox! {clap clap} {CLAPCLAPCLAP}

Tonight is the first game of the 2013 World Series featuring some of my close personal friends…
From Left to Right: Stephen Drew, Will Middlebrooks, Jackie Bradley, Mike Napoli & David Ross

They stopped by Beth Israel (aka my real job) after the marathon bombings to say thanks, be awesome & check out my window.  Job well done. 

{clap clap} {CLAPCLAPCLAP!}